How to leave inheritance

How to leave inheritance

All that has any material value and is owned by a person, after his death passes the heirs. And in order for the inheritance to be distributed in accordance with the desires of the deceased, it is necessary to leave the testament during life, in which the heirs and share of the distribution of inheritance will be indicated.

Take care of the repayment of the will need long before old years. Practice shows that most people begins to leave the testament already by 30-40 years, because life is so unpredictable. The prevention is engaged in the notary, which will require your passport and documents for the property, which is planned to be entered into the will. Compiling text and its correctness from a legal point of view will also be used by a notary attorney.

In emergency situations, confirm the legality of the will may receive the head physician, the commander of the military unit (if the testator serves in this military unit), the head of the colony (if the testator is serving the term in this colony). Also confirm the legality of the will can two any witness, located near the testator in an emergency. However, the period of such a testament is no more than a month - this means that if the emergency situation passed and the testator did not suffer, the testament loses its power.

The inheritance left in the testament may be open or closed. In the first case, the testator has the right to announce the text of the will before his death, and in the second it remains at the notary and is announced by the heirs after the death of the testament. It is worth remembering that the testator is still alive, he has the right to change his testament an infinite number of times and with the advent of the new previous testament automatically loses its legal force.

Hereditary disputes, in particular, are formed due to the lack of testament or its illiterate compilation, very often flowing in long trials. In order to avoid misunderstandings and the unfair distribution of your property, while in life you need to leave the inheritance of those heirs who deserve it in your opinion.




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Catherine 10/28/2015 at 0:27

I had a very confusing situation with inheritance, I was advised to appeal to lawyers for hereditary affairs, and I did not regret. There are so many nuances and pitfalls! It is better not to joke with it.

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