How inheritance shares

How inheritance shares

The property that remains after the death of a person is called inheritance. This includes not only real estate, but all that has material value. The section of such property is carried out either on the basis of a predetermined testament or in accordance with the inheritance queues established by the legislation.

The section of property inheritance begins from the day of the death of the testator, and it is possible to declare the rights to inheritance no later than 6 months from this moment, otherwise all the property will go in favor of the state. If the testament is open and is in the hands of heirs, the right to the inheritance is issued at the notary on the basis of the original inheritance document. If the testament is closed, it is read in the presence of all the heirs specified in the testament from the notary testator. If there is a written testament, it most often indicates the shares of the distribution of the inheritance between the heirs specified in it, but if there are no distributions, then the inheritance is divided into equal shares among the participants of the testament.

If the testator left the testament, the property section occurs in accordance with the inheritance queues specified in the legislation. Such queues are seven points, and the action of each starts only if the heirs of the previous queue or the heirs of the previous queue refuse their inheritance. The first stage of inheritance includes children, parents and a spouse of the testator; to the second - brothers and sisters, grandmothers and grandparents; to the third - uncle and aunt, cousins \u200b\u200band sisters; to the fourth - great-grandmother and great-grandfathers; to the fifth queue - cousins, grandmothers and grandfathers; To the sixth - cousins, nephews, uncle and aunt; The seventh last queue is not the blood relatives - steppes, stepms, stepmothers.

Outside the inheritance turns are considered incapable and minor children of the testator, as well as incapable spouses and parents. Such a part of the inheritance is called a mandatory share and it is paid regardless of whether these heirs are specified in the will.

Only those persons who are inscribed in it can challenge the written testament. In this case, the statement of claim is drawn up in a civil court, where the reasons that prompted the heir to disagree with the distribution of inheritance or with the preparation of the will are indicated.

Hereditary disputes are among the most scrupulous in civil cases, and their permission is a very difficult question. However, legislative acts describe all the points and subclauses for the distribution of inheritance and its challenge, in order not to enable the situation with unfair pseudo-lens.


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