New above
  • State
    The main tasks of the Social Insurance Fund are the protection and improvement of the population. Each employer - whether it is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur - is obliged to conduct deductions to this fund of certain amounts.
    31.03.2019 271 0
  • Accounting
    Many believe that there is a single register of all sorts of declarations and certificates, but in fact, it is not.
    16.03.2019 266 0
  • Taxes
    When planning tax audits, the tax authorities are selected by the firms with a benchmark for the value of the tax burden, which is calculated from the reporting information of the taxpayer.
    10.03.2019 283 0
  • State
    The multifunctional center provides both legal entities and individuals a whole range of state and municipal services.
    24.02.2019 285 0
  • Taxes
    Do you know that you can return some of the money for your training? In tax terminology, this procedure is called tax deduction.
    19.02.2019 294 0
  • Auto / Moto.
    The Map "Family Team" is provided as part of the loyalty program to customers of Rosneft and TNK stations.
    19.02.2019 277 0
  • NDFL
    Filling out important state documents - the case is responsible and refer to this process is also similar.
    22.01.2019 318 0
  • Banks
    Sometimes it happens that the phone number that is tied to the Sberbank card must be changed to another.
    17.01.2019 303 0
  • Education
    The electronic diary is gaining popularity among students and their parents and many concerns the question - how can you add a child in such a diary, for which it is necessary and how to produce this process.
    17.01.2019 342 0
  • State
    You can hardly meet the responsible parent, who would not be interested in the child's performance. And if earlier all information regarding estimates, behavior and passes were reflected in the traditional paper diary, now you can get all the information you can and in online mode - using an electronic diary.
    14.01.2019 305 0
  • State documents
    The electronic signature was created to facilitate the submission of documents through the Public Services portal. Now there is no need for a personal meeting with representatives of the tax inspection, social and municipal services.
    23.12.2018 294 0
  • State documents
    Today, the topic of obtaining a biometric passport is relevant, because at the moment many citizens have a desire to acquire it, become its owner.
    23.12.2018 282 0
  • State documents
    In order to your family and you lived without special needs and could afford the benefits of civilization, everyone needs to work, every normal person knows about this truth.
    16.12.2018 297 0
  • State
    Suitable by the end so long and at the same time such a short 2018. Everyone this year had pleasant moments and not very, but the main thing is that it will soon end and the new year will come, which means that it will be possible to start everything from a clean list, forgotten all the insults and problems, and strive only to positive And the better.
    12.12.2018 331 0
  • State documents
    Designation The word registration is probably familiar to everyone. In the Russian Federation, every citizen must be registered somewhere.
    29.11.2018 307 0
  • The documents
    In connection with the latest events in the world, very many foreigners decided to come to the Russian Federation, who in order to temporarily work out, and who for permanent residence.
    14.11.2018 361 0
  • State
    What is the essence of the legal state, and what are his signs you will learn right now. 1) The key characteristics of the rule of law in order to understand the signs of a legal state, you must first understand what is its essence.
    11.10.2018 328 0
  • State
    For those who are interested in signs of the rule of law and the concept itself, this article will be interesting and informative.
    08.10.2018 331 0
  • State documents
    Many today are interested, how to correctly fill in VAT declaration, because every year, even every quarter in the instructions for filling this document a different kind of change is made.
    08.10.2018 319 0
  • Health
    For many, a visit to the doctor is associated with huge queues and spending personal time. The lack of coupons in the reception, the absence of a doctor and early parishes in the clinic went to the past, because in 2009 they finally launched the "State Service" portal.
    26.08.2018 472 0
  • Passport
    Passport theft is a real tragedy. It is not enough that the recovery of the Main Document will require time and means, so also the passport can be used by intruders for non-departious purposes: loan design or other fraud.
    22.08.2018 374 0
  • State
    Corruption is the abuse of trusted authority and the choice of powers to obtain their own benefit.
    20.08.2018 422 0
  • State
    Probably, future businessmen will be useful to learn information about the organizational and legal form of enterprises and, in principle, represents this concept.
    07.08.2018 382 0
  • State
    It's no secret that the judges received and receive considerable money (and it is still mildly), therefore it is not surprising the relevance of the question - how to become a judge.
    07.08.2018 375 0
  • Taxes
    The abbreviation of the CBC for a person who is not knowledgeable in taxation does not represent anything interesting, except for a set of numbers.
    27.07.2018 324 0
  • State documents
    Entrepreneurship is a rather complicated system with many components and the average person not to understand these details and nuances.
    27.07.2018 323 0
  • State documents
    Beginner entrepreneurs are often wondering how to make the calculation of UNDV. Someone may seem that it is just unfamiliar abbreviation for them, but for PE is a very important component of their business.
    27.07.2018 327 0
  • Finance
    The quota in the literal translation sounds like "part" or "share." But here we will look at which spheres the word "quota" applies and what exactly it means.
    11.07.2018 371 0
  • State
    The government is the executive authority in the Russian Federation. And, by the way, most people have a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it is engaged.
    29.06.2018 514 0
  • Banks
    When it comes to filling the organizational and legal form in Sberbank, customers begin to panic and do not understand what and why.
    24.06.2018 988 0
  • State
    The desire to work abroad can crash about many barriers. One of them is a refusal to receive a working visa.
    09.06.2018 338 0
  • State
    By purchasing an apartment, the owner is preparing to pay many fees, taxes and other receipts. A pleasant bonus will be the fact that you can get back part of the taxes paid by the state.
    03.06.2018 367 0
  • Army
    "Restricted" - such a category is assigned to some conscripts, while it is not always clear what it means, is it worth afraid of such a state of affairs and what threatens in the future?
    30.05.2018 400 0
  • Education
    Production factors are considered to be a number of resources that are necessary in order to produce goods and generate services.
    29.05.2018 448 0
  • Useful advice
    The "State Service" portal largely simplifies tracking and making many payments, payment services, penalties and much more.
    28.05.2018 396 0
  • Tickets
    Troika transport card allows you to pay for travel not only in ground, but also underground public transport (subway).
    20.05.2018 352 0
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