That relates to the powers of the Russian Federation?

That relates to the powers of the Russian Federation?

Government - a body of executive power in the Russian Federation. And by the way, most people have only a vague idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it does. In the school curriculum there is such a thing as social studies, which detail the answers about what powers vested with this authority. For those who have not had this subject in their school years, but be aware of what is involved in the Government of their working life still want to consider this issue in detail.

General directions

Most of us are far from politics and become experts in this field only on holidays during the period of broad feasts. Therefore, the knowledge of many in this area quite superficial. Someone remembers something from the course of history, and it is very vague. All we know for certain that there is power at the top President, the Government and the State Duma. But who exactly does what - here is a big gap in knowledge among the population. Now we consider the circle of the Russian Government duties, avoiding formalism, using the most accessible language.

  • First, what does the Government - this is politics. And the one that developed and implemented within the country and abroad, that is, internal and external.
  • We all know that the country has the economy and social sphere, these two areas are also involved in the government of the Russian Federation. And is responsible for what is happening here, it is too. So now there is a problem in the economy and disruptions in social security system you know with whom to ask.
  • The government is the component of the Institute of Executive. That is, it performs the orders of the president and implements the bills adopted by the State Duma. But you agree, our country is large, and the government is not able to control the entire territory, respectively, there are other executive bodies, jurisdered by the Government and their obligations include the control of what they actually do in the regions and do everything correctly.
  • As mentioned above, the development and adoption of laws is engaged in the State Duma. But the government also has the right to make an initiative to develop and accept any law.

Economy - the scope of government

  • The government should ensure uninterrupted activity of the economy. What does it mean? The economy is impossible without the production of goods and services, as well as without their implementation. So, in fact, the government should provide the possibility of all market participants to make production, trade, free movement of goods and other things. That is, to enable economic activity to freely develop in the territory of a certain single space.
  • Also, the government should be far-sighted and foresee what will happen next with the country's economy. And this means: the government is imputed to the duty to draw up forecasts that they are all waiting for us.
  • Like any state, the Russian Federation has some property in its own ownership. Usually it is customary to call state, or federal. And naturally, someone should answer this property, follow it, dispose and implement if necessary. So, all this is also engaged in the government. And it is precisely it decides that funds reversed by the state from the sale of this property will be spent.
  • The government is also engaged in the management of the activities of the various subordinate structures, such as customs and other similar organizations.

Budget and financial work of the government

  • Often we hear in the news that the budget is being developed that he was adopted by the State Duma, which is observed by its surplus or deficiency. But we usually skip past the ears, and who, in fact, forms this very budget. So you know - this is also the work of the government. It is the Government who seeks funds for the formation of a budget, is responsible for its implementation and reports to its execution.
  • And all that is connected with the movement and the cash circulation in the country, the formation of the credit policy, all financial matters of national importance fall on the shoulders of the Government
  • Everything connected with taxes, policy in this area, the development of measures in this direction and implementation of all measures relating to taxation and taxpayers - the sphere of activity of the Government.
  • As with most countries, Russia has a foreign debt. That Government regulates the country's external debt and develop a debt management measures.
  • It is also the responsibility of the government is the domestic currency market of the Russian Federation.

Social direction in the work of the government

  • The government is responsible for social policy, its accessibility to citizens.
  • He is responsible for ensuring that citizens can exercise their right to work and resolve issues related to the exercise of this right.
  • It regulates the migration policy, ensures its uniform implementation.
  • It ensures the right of citizens to health care.
  • Provides assistance in resolving family issues.
  • Participates in the development and implementation of sports development measures, physical culture and tourism industry.

Government activities in the areas of science, culture, education

  • It provides state support to different areas of science.
  • It has been supporting the development and provision of accessible and free education.
  • It supports the development of culture and engaged in the preservation of cultural values \u200b\u200band heritage.

Ecology, environment, natural resources

  • Engaged in the development and implementation of environmental policy in the field of environment and ecology.
  • Responsible for coordinating actions to prevent disasters, natural disasters, man-made and natural disasters and accidents. Coordinates action to reduce their risks and elimination of consequences.

The rule of law, human rights and freedoms, the rule of law

  • Participates in the development of measures to ensure the safety of citizens, society and state.
  • Take measures to ensure compliance with the law, the rights of citizens, their freedoms, property and policing, combating criminal activities.

Defenses and security services

  • Responsible for the defense capability and security of the country.
  • It provides an army ammunition, technical resources, financial and other resources.
  • Provides implementation of various measures for the protection of the state borders of the country.
  • Ensures compliance with the implementation of measures of social support in relation to the military and their families.

Foreign policy

  • Foreign policy is also under the jurisdiction of the Russian government.
  • The fact that every foreign country has a representation of our country, and in each international organization of the interests of the Russian Federation, our diplomats are present.
  • Any international agreement and their implementation is provided by the Russian Government.
  • The government takes care of citizens who live, work or rest on the territory of any foreign country.

The government of the Russian Federation has a wide range of responsibilities and powers, regulates the work of the Government Prime Minister, it is subject to direct president.



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