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  • Business
    Labor book is an important document containing human work information. Care from the current place of work is necessarily accompanied by an appropriate record of the employee's dismissal, indicating the reason for the termination of labor relations.
    31.03.2019 261 0
  • Business
    In the process of economic activity of the organization or an individual entrepreneur, it may be necessary to issue a finance to accountable persons - employees or other persons, the list of which is registered in a local regulatory act.
    31.03.2019 271 0
  • Accounting
    Many believe that there is a single register of all sorts of declarations and certificates, but in fact, it is not.
    16.03.2019 267 0
  • Accounting
    Accounting for some may seem like a "dense forest", but for someone a profitable business, in which you need to be able to understand, to learn how to earn.
    06.03.2019 268 0
  • Business
    An individual entrepreneur has the right to maintain different activities: the provision of services, sale of goods, renting real estate, etc.
    28.02.2019 276 0
  • Accounting
    The employer and employee relationship should be decorated. It protects and empowers both parties.
    03.03.2018 401 0
  • Business
    Entrepreneurial activity is not always unfolded by the desired scenario. In some cases, business has to close.
    12.12.2017 405 0
  • Banks
    No one's own business and production costs without opening a current account. As soon as you start activities as a legal entity, you will need to open this type of account.
    01.12.2017 441 0
  • Business
    The maintenance of economic activity of the enterprise is inextricably linked with the financial relationship between it and other counterparties.
    26.11.2017 432 0
  • Business
    The classification of objects of enterprises, organizations for their belonging to a certain territorial unit allows you to streamline data on the results of economic activities of the latter.
    09.10.2017 469 0
  • Business
    Every person who claims successful entrepreneurial activity should know what profitability is.
    02.10.2017 407 0
  • Business
    Each employee, when dismissal, should work out at work for two more weeks.
    26.09.2017 418 0
  • Business
    Registration of an individual entrepreneur is one of the simplest procedures with the documentation. It is much easier than to register yourself as a legal entity.
    16.09.2017 484 0
  • Business
    When calculating the release, it is necessary to take into account many factors: work experience of the employee, its average salary, as well as premiums, benefits and other criteria.
    13.08.2017 402 0
  • Accounting
    Information on the average number of employees of the organization is annually submitted to the territorial tax authority at the placement of the taxpayer.
    14.07.2017 452 0
  • Banks
    To translate funds to other persons through the banking system is simple: you can choose a method of personal visiting Sberbank branch, translate through Sberbank online, a mobile application or a payment terminal.
    14.06.2017 615 0
  • Accounting
    Be an individual entrepreneur - means to have your own business that will provide you.
    12.06.2017 555 0
  • Accounting
    The weekend is allowed to all workers who lost their workplace. This is a kind of material assistance to your former employee to search for a new job place.
    29.04.2017 411 0
  • Accounting
    Stitching documents will ensure reliability of their storage and sorting. If you have accumulated a large number of unstructured files, then correct it correctly, stitching paper media.
    21.04.2017 436 0
  • Business
    The funds from the CSC account can spend on various needs: to make purchases, payments to employees, rental of premises and equipment.
    15.04.2017 398 0
  • Business
    Obtaining income inevitably accompanies another type of payments - the transfer of tax with the accrued amount, t.
    21.03.2017 505 0
  • Accounting
    Working time accounting table was created specifically for marks about the entire time-worked worker at the enterprise.
    12.03.2017 450 0
  • Business
    An integral part of the maintenance of economic activity is the reflection of its results in the form of regulated reporting.
    11.03.2017 398 0
  • Accounting
    If an organization or private person is a subject of entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to keep records of spent time.
    04.03.2017 391 0
  • Banks
    Very often in the tax system there are various kinds of changes, additions, adjustments, the Ministry of Finance introduces amendments, etc.
    06.08.2016 593 0
  • Business
    The accounting account of the organization is a bank created by the Bank to conduct monetary operations by the Client.
    13.02.2016 1255 0
  • Business
    Tax audit is divided into three categories: exit, counter, desk. Each type of tax control is carried out according to the planned regulations.
    13.02.2016 901 0
  • Business
    Any business will inevitably collide with the situation when they need to check their counterparties. If you need to enter into an agreement or send a prepayment, first the rational step will be obtaining the maximum number of information about the counterparty: does it really exist?
    29.01.2016 845 0
  • Business
    If you have worked a year, or even somewhat no vacation, and now you are going to pay, then you have a certain amount of accrual for unused days of paid leave.
    04.09.2015 1005 2
  • Business
    The normal activity of any enterprise implies the emergence of income, expenses, penalties.
    02.03.2015 2261 0
  • Business
    In order to form an accounting balance, it is necessary to make an ASS (reverse saldant statement). It is a form that contains the remains of the state at the beginning, the end of the scale of the balance of the balance, and here includes data on the debit, the loan for this period for each subaccount.
    29.01.2015 4208 2
  • Business
    Often, there are situations in firms when the managers send their employees on a business trip. The goals of the trips are different: the purchase of raw materials, equipment, solving problems with the sale of products, the fulfillment of the tasks of the director of the organization.
    08.01.2015 1058 2
  • Accounting
    With the need to provide a Help 3-NDFL most often faced citizens who wish to deduct from the budget of the Russian Federation.
    27.12.2014 3857 1
  • Business
    A certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL is filled with by all entrepreneurs, companies, lawyers, notaries, representative offices of foreign firms in Russia, which regularly pay for salaries, dividends, other income of Piz.
    27.12.2014 1577 0
  • Accounting
    Every employee of the Russian citizen is not familiar with the concept of NDFL (tax on individuals or income tax), which monthly accounting staff is calculated from its wages, premium remuneration and other income in favor of the budget.
    25.12.2014 2476 0
  • Business
    From 01/01/2014, the tax return should be submitted in electronic form through a special operator of electronic document management.
    16.12.2014 1258 0
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