How to withdraw money from current accounts, SP

How to withdraw money from current accounts, SP

Funds from the current PI account can spend for various needs: for making purchases, payments to employees, rental of premises and equipment. However, sooner or later, the owner of a desire to withdraw excess money for their own needs. How to do it and what you need to know to maximize the benefits of the surgery?

How to withdraw money from current accounts, SP

There are several ways to obtain funds from the settlement account, SP. Which one to prefer - depends on specific factors and conditions.

  • Opening of personal account for individuals. Account Holder, at the same time can be like you personally, as well as anyone else. However, the money transferred to a relative or friend, will be considered as his personal income and, as a consequence, will be taxed. Therefore, the priority is securing the account with him. The bank, in this case, does not charge a fee for cashing, cash does not draw up the documents (that is, you do not overpay superfluous). Next, a cash easily by any convenient and suitable manner - over the counter or an ATM. Of course, an individual's account is best to open in the same bank where the SP funds. This will avoid paying extra interest for transfers between companies.
  • Cashing a check or "the payment order." This method is not less common. He looks like a withdrawal for the transfer of cash for the purpose of remuneration but himself SP to charge the salary can not. Payment order with the appointment of "The salary of the individual entrepreneur" can be (and should be, according to the law) has been rejected by the bank. Proper clearance should be marked "Translation of own funds" or "Withdrawal of funds for personal use."
  • Transfer to a deposit or cumulative account. Alternative to transfers to the physical person account, favorable in the event that you keep financial accumulations in the bank. Cash issuance will be made in accordance with the current rules of the Deposit Treaty.

To maximize the maximum benefit from this procedure and do not encounter difficulties in disposal of our own money, you should carefully approach the choice of the bank in which you open an account. No doubt, there are some other ways to cash out incomes, but they will balance on a thin face next to the violation of the law. Unwanted attention from special services will bring up to the entrepreneur much more problems.

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