Stitching documents will ensure the reliability of their storage and sorting. If you have accumulated a large number of unstructured files, then correct it correctly, stitching paper media. At the moment, there are two documents that regulate the stitching order: GOST RUSSIA and Rosarhiv. Moreover, in production, some documents must be sewn necessarily, and some only at the request of accounting or archivis. The whole process begins with proper preparation of documents for stitching, and ends with the corresponding arrangement of already cross-shched papers. Check out all the subtleties of this procedure in this article.
How to prepare documents for firmware
Take all the documents for a certain period that must be sewn. First of all, it is better to spend some time on checking what you keep in your hands: whether all the information is correct, are you not lost any important files, you do not need to adjust anything. If you are sure that everything is right, then proceed to sorting:
- All documents must be structured by date /
- Fold them as you wish to flash, and nume each page in the lower right corner.
- If you made a mistake, then accurately cross the page number in one feature.
- Near any fixes, put the signature and the phrase "Correction to believe".
If you do not register this phrase, the page number will remain officially incorrect.
What to flash documents
For the procedure, you can use:
- Folder and hole punch.
- Shilo and threads.
- Special stapler.
The most reliable is the second option with a seboard and needle, as it will be impossible to replace documents: they are firmly sewn and tied.
Stationery staplers of large sizes can make all the work for you: they already have a distance that needs to be sewn, and they themselves are charged with large scrapers. Such jacks, if you wish, you can bend and pick up any documents, so this way cannot be reliable.
How to flash documents correctly
How to cross the thread:
- You need a special cotton festive thread, which can be found in the office.
- Acute awl.
- Glue.
- Cardboard folder with the title "Case".
First you do two holes in the documents on the left side. The distance between them should be from three to five centimeters. The thread is fought in both holes and simply communicates with the back of the documents. In order for its safety to be visible, stick the square from the cards to its node.
Also possible with three punctures. This concerns cases when stitching is a big needle. It is fought in the hole in the middle, then pulls to the top and only with the back side turn to the bottom. Thread is also associated and paper is attached to it.
Place the stitched documents in the "Case" folder and place the sequence number. Such folders should be stored by sorting by date.
Now your documents are sorted and will not be able to get lost among the rest of the production documentation. Remember that the most reliable for the preservation of paper carriers remains the way with a thread, other options are easy to fake, or take possession of documents using the extension of the crack.