Often, there are situations on firms when the managers send their employees on a business trip. Tim goals are different: Purchase of raw materials, equipment, solving problems with the sale of products, fulfilling the tasks of the director of the organization. The correct design of the packet of papers for travel - this is one of the important aspects for the owner of the enterprise. All expenses for the trip, housing, food, production needs will need to be taken into account so that there are no problems with the tax.
V paid commander The owner of the production can be sent only to the person with whom a labor agreement signed. Moreover, the employee cannot make a refusal of a trip without reason. It is unacceptable to send pregnant women, employees under 18 and moms (without consent) having kids up to 3 years old, children with disabilities. The first thing is the leader on the basis of the data provided by the immediate head of the unit, will choose an employee who will go to a business trip. Then you need to make a service task, i.e. Fill a single T10A form for all. Assign the job sequence number, curl it with signatures, specify the compilation date.Here see the sample:
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- Order on the direction of the employee on a business trip;
- Order on the direction of the employee on a business trip - a filled sample.
Here you will see:
It happens that during a working visit to another city or country, an employee arise with health problems. In such a situation, the company pays the hospital, the cost of living, for those days when the employee was sick. Upon arrival from the service trip, a person for three days is obliged to provide the report to the authorities about the work done and about cash.Download:
Each employee who is on a business trip on weekends, holidays has the right to double or ran. The daily employer also pays for every day, be it weekend or not.
It is easier for us to contact the company specializing in the design of such documentation.
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