How to make a power of attorney for a child

How to make a power of attorney for a child

Rest in other countries is always pleasant, especially if your baby is next to you. Show the whole world to the child and at the same time not to overshadow the impressions of documentary fiber, will help pre-decorated power of attorney (agreement) on the export of a minor child abroad.

If a minor child crosses the borders of Russia with one of the parents or guardian, then the Russian border office does not require any additional documents for the departure of a child from the country. However, at the entrance to the territory of a foreign state, a properly executed power of attorney may be required:

  • Countries, at the entrance to which the proxious is not required - Turkey and Egypt.
  • Countries, at the entrance to which the power of attorney is obligatory: Schengen Visas (Germany, Greece, Poland, etc.), some CIS countries (Belarus, Ukraine).

On the need to design power of attorney (consent) can be found in the country's embassy where you are going to travel or at the tourist operator.


For registration of consent (power of attorney) in the notarial office requires such documents:

  • passports of both parents - Russian citizens;
  • certificate of birth of a child (original);
  • marriage Certificate (if one of the parents changed surname);
  • the consent of the parents for the departure of the child under the care of a third party, documents confirming the powers of the representative (guardianship certificate);
  • passport of the face, under the care of which will be a child;
  • information about the goal of the trip (tourism, treatment, etc.);
  • information about the exact timing of the child's stay abroad (but not more than 3 months).

Travel abroad

Some legal formalities that are fulfilled:

  • If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation goes to a foreign trip with one of the parents, then consent to the transport of a child is issued on behalf of the second parent.
  • If the second parent disagrees to the removal of the child, the power of attorney is considered in court.
  • For registration of an agreement on the removal of a minor child in the absence, but not the death of a second parent (does not pay for alimony, it does not take part in the child's life, there is no location) requires an appeal to law enforcement agencies for a certificate confirming the lack of a second parent. In many countries, this certificate is accepted instead of legal consent.
  • If a child crosses the border with a guardian or trustee (tourist school trips), then consent is required from both parents. Power of attorney can be framed both from each parent separately and from both parents together (on the same letterhead).

With all the necessary documents and compliance with all legal formalities, the process of making a power of attorney to export a minor child abroad takes 20-25 minutes and does not require any preliminary statements. The consent form provides a notary office, the correspondence of which with a legislatively established sample should guarantee a notary. The cost of proxies is from 600 rubles for one parent and for two - from 700.

If before traveling in advance to issue the necessary power of attorney to a child on behalf of the parent who does not go with you, then checking documents in the border service, both Russia and the host country will seem like a fun adventure. Remember that the effect of consent to the removal of a child abroad is applied only to the trip, the timing of which is clearly spelled out in the document.

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