Do you need a power of attorney for a car

Do you need a power of attorney for a car

You have a car, but no right, so his husband, brother or son leads. It is not rarely faced with such a situation when the car is not the owner of the car, but someone from relatives. And it's good that according to the new rules, starting from 24.11.2012, the traffic police does not check the power of attorney for the car. On the one hand, it is convenient, you don't need to carry a bunch of papers all the time, and on the other hand, it's still not to do without receipt.

First we will deal with what is power of attorney. This segment is needed to confirm the right to manage the vehicle by another driver in the interests of the owner. There are three varieties document: One-time, special, general. The difference between the papers - in the authority. One-time valid only to make one event. Special - for certain acts specified by the owner, the limit period of its functioning is three years. By General The car enthusiast is entitled to resale cars.

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Types of attorney

If the driver is controlled by a car as personal property, then without a power of attorney can not do, for example, when passing inspection. Inspection will definitely check the availability of receipt and all permits for procedures with a car.

In big cities, in the wrong parking lots, there is often a distinguished car enthusiastic situation ... The driver went on business, comes, and there are no cars. Having left the swallow on the tow truck for violation of traffic rules. For a hike to a stradder, a power of attorney is useful, without anything. Otherwise, the inspectors will prohibit the driver to use the car.

This paper will be needed when making the following documents: Staging and removing cars, buying and selling transport. Without a power of attorney, it is impossible to cross the border, the requirement does not apply to the States of the Customs Union: Kazakhstan, Belarus.

For the convenience of making a power of attorney exist sites on the Internet. Here you need to register, then fill out the form specified on the portal. Enter the address of the host of vehicles and trust, FULL NAME, all car data. Do not forget to write the date of issuance and end of the action of the act.

Electronic power of attorney

Knowing when you need a power of attorney, the owner of the car will make a conclusion for himself: it is worth wringing it or not a trusted driver. But it is better to have such a document. It is not difficult to make it, but if you wish, you can withdraw.

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