How to arrange the OSAGO on the old car

How to arrange the OSAGO on the old car

Without insurance, it is forbidden to drive any cars. Therefore, each car enthusiast need to have this insurance document. Obtaining a compulsory insurance contract is possible after passing of vehicles. And the most problems and obstacles are from car owners of old cars. Correctly make insurance on an old car need in such a sequence.

Complete inspection in traffic police traffic service. If everything is in order, then you will be given a document on the shelf life of the car. It often happens that you have to visit that several times because of the malfunctions of the old car.


After the technical inspection with the Document provided in the traffic police, we go to the Insurance Agency. Inspectors of this company will calculate the cost of insurance, the price of which depends on the driver's experience of the host of the transport, the number of family members, which will be allowed to drive this machine, the volume of the motor's electric motor and the field of action.

Read more: The greater the age of the car, the more expensive the insurance document will cost. For example, if your car is ten years old, then the raising coefficient is 1.8.

To make a policy of automotive civil liability to the old car, it is necessary to have such documents as a passport of the motorist + technical passport or TCP, your driver's license and certificate of other family members who will drive a car, and the old certificate of CTP.

The agent of the insurance company will write you the insurance of Osago, will say how much you should pay for it. After that, the insurance certificate is ready, you can take. You need to check the correct fill in this document. In it, the number of your car must be recorded, without this, insurance is invalid.

Nothing difficult in the procedure for designing compulsory automotive insurance on the old car is not, if you perform all items sequentially. Of course, you have to spend time and money, but without a compulsory insurance contract will not be left.












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