How to insure a car

How to insure a car

Becoming a happy owner of the car, you must immediately think about its insurance. It doesn't matter - the new transport or used you, bought it on credit, or paid cash. All cases have different types and ways of insurance.

The very first and important type of insurance is the Osago. In this case, the car itself is insured, but the driver's responsibility in front of the rest of the road traffic. That is, in the case of an accident, the damage caused by property, life or health of third parties, as well as urban infrastructure elements.

You can arrange the OSAGO in any insurance company at a fixed value. Insurance price depends on age, driving experience, car power, as well as from the region where you will exploit the vehicle. To get a policy of CTP, you need to have the original or copies of your driver's license and those who are planning to enter into insurance, passport, power attorney for the right to control if you are not the owner of the car. There will be a coupon of technical inspection, if a car over three years old and the previous insurance policy.

At the end of the procedure, after signing all the documents, the representative of the insurance company should give you the following documents to your hands: the original OSAGO policy, the original receipt confirming payment - f. A7, letterhead notice for an accident, insurance rules and a list of representatives of this insurer in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The following type of insurance is voluntary and protects your car as property from hijacking and damage. Casco is full, where insurance includes the risks of detailed or complete damage to the vehicle in the event of an accident and hijacking. As a rule, a complete CASCO requires a bank if the car is taken on the condition of the car loan and is a bank deposit. There is a lightweight, partial view of voluntary insurance. It includes only damage damage, or is insured only additional auto equipment.

Calcasco calculation is much more complicated than the OSAGO, and includes many criteria. The price is affected by your experience and age, cost, brand and car model (carbon statistics and repair costs are taken into account), the year of the TC, the presence of a security system and other important factors. To save on Casco, do not be lazy - Calculate it in different insurance companies and compare the results and sums offered to you.

The following documents will be needed for CASCO: a passport, your driver's license and those people who are allowed to manage, statement, registration documents for a car (TCP, certificate of registration of the vehicle). This requires a mandatory inspection of the machine by the insurer for the presence of already existing damage.

The leading reliable property insurance companies, as well as life and health in Russia today are Rosgosstrakh, Renaissance, a resolution guarantee, Ingosstrakh, AlfaStrakhovanie, VSK, SOGAZ and others. In any office of your chosen company you will help you make a good choice and save your property and money.

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