How to calculate Casco

How to calculate Casco

Calculate the most accurate amount of Casco's contribution is quite difficult. Insurance of your car depends on the set of factors (the cost of the machine and its technical characteristics). Insure your car or not - to solve only you, but to calculate the preliminary amount of insurance and influence your spending still you can try.

The cost of insurance you can calculate using the service online calculator CASCO. Options for such "helpers" a lot. Insurance companies in vigorous offer their online services, but the exact calculation without lowering or boosting coefficients cannot be achieved.

The driver's age includes the age of the driver and its small driver's experience, cases of an accident in the past, the demand of the models for the hijacking, the technical characteristics of the machine, the car parking place, the increased probability of causing a significant damage machine (participation in racing, use in taxi, rental).

Lowering coefficients are a large driver experience driving, low chance of a car'sft and equipping it with an anti-theft system, maintenance of the car on a guarded car park. All this can affect a significant reduction in the cost of insurance.

Take into account the risks from which you want to insure your car. The partial insurance program and the full range of services will be very varied in value.

With partial insurance of CASCO, you are insufficient car only from various damage, except for the hijacking and theft.

Full insurance implies protection against all possible negative cases with your car: hijacking, theft, accident, arson, a variety of damages (even by the fault of natural disasters). Such services are added to this list as challenge experts to the scene, providing legal assistance, call a tow truck, providing the replacement of the insured car.

Considering all this data, you can calculate the preliminary amount of Casco, however it is worth noting that there is no generally accepted and unified formula for calculations - each insurance company has its own. The universal version of the formula looks like this: the amount of CASCO \u003d (the tariff is basic * to (the year of release of the car and its wear) * K (age and driver's experience) * K (installment)) + (tariff theft * k (year of production of auto and its wear ) * K (equipping from theft) * K (installment)).

To save your time and get complete information at the exact cost of CASCO, the best solution will appeal to specialist insurers. All calculations will be made professionally and at the same time all the nuances and your wishes will be taken into account.

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