How to get Casco

How to get Casco

The direct execution of the CASCO insurance contract is not a guarantee of full reimbursement of damage, because Each insurance company is trying to minimize the amount and size of payments to insurers in order not to reduce their profits. To this end, some insurers are resorted to fraud. But if the insurer is still due to damages, he must achieve it.

Payments should be carried out on the fact of the occurrence of the insured event, which is:

  • road traffic accident;
  • fire, but not arson;
  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • hijacking;
  • damage as a result of falling various items or due to weather conditions.

Application application form

The law on the insurance side, if the Insurance Company refuses to pay damage to the insured event explained by the following reasons:

  • untimely notification by the insurer insurer on the occurrence of the insured event;
  • non-compliance of the circumstances of damage to damage mechanism;
  • the driver who ruled the car at the time of damage was not entered into the insurance policy;
  • false accusation of the insured by the insurer in the management of the vehicle in the state of alcohol intoxication (it is important that those who are understood during the medical examination);
  • hijet machines with documents and / or keys.

Blank Statement of Loss in the Insurance Company here.

An example of an application for loss in the insurance company we have.

Application for the insurance case filled

A guarantee for obtaining damages - the correct execution of documents and statements:

  • fixation of any damage that appeared during the operation of the insurance contract should occur in the relevant bodies, for example, in the traffic police or ATS, in the shortest possible time and at the scene;
  • check reports of responsible persons; the date and time must be clearly indicated in them, all circumstances are described;
  • do not refuse to initiate a criminal case on the fact of damage due to its insignificance;
  • attract the witnesses of the incident or understood;
  • do not put forward assumptions about what happened, if not confident in their correctness to avoid discrepancy with the data of expertise;
  • spend independent expertise to determine the objective cost of restoration work.

The form of the claim

Explore the insurance contract (deadlines for submitting the application and payment of payments, a list of necessary documents) and contact an insurance company:

  • write a statement about the occurrence of the insured event;
  • provide all the necessary documents (traffic police report, ATS, OGPN, documents on ownership of the vehicle, coupon, then);
  • request the insurer to issue a list with a list of adopted documents;
  • wait for payments in accordance with the deadlines specified in the contract.

Application approval

If the car was seriously damaged, as a result of which at first glance it is easier to forget about the vehicle, than to repair, the insurance company draws up constructive death and offers two options for the policyholder: to get a reimbursement that does not include the cost of suitable balances, or refuse the TC to Get a full insurance amount. In this case, the calculations takes into account the wear of the vehicle. To avoid the understatement of due amount due and increasing the amount of wear, refer to the independent expert.

Certificate in form №12 on participation in an accident

If the payment of the payment established by the contract and government legislation is not made, or its size is significantly understated, or not a written refusal with an explanation of its reasons, then make a claim to the insurer, register it in the company's incoming correspondence book, leave the second instance with the signature of the responsible Persons. If this did not lead to the desired result, then contact the court, this can be done within 2 years. Documents are available for download:

Failure to pay

If it came to court, then attract a professional lawyer in the ship's process.

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