How to pay damage by accident

How to pay damage by accident

Many people, hitting an accident, are experiencing a real shock, which lasts for some time and does not allow the participants of the accident reasonably and effectively assess the situation and make the right actions. Often, even if the law on the side of the accident, he cannot use it because of its excited state. Therefore, to learn your rights to such a case should be almost at that time when the first time got behind the wheel.

The insurance company is obliged to compensate for the following costs of costs associated with the damage caused by the transport facility: to restore the vehicle, taking into account its wear; expenses for independent examination; Evacuation of the car from the accident site to the parking lot or the residence of the car owner; Car storage costs.

Also, the costs associated with causing harm to the health of the victim during an accident: the costs of medicinal preparations and health status diagnostics tools are subject to rehabilitation costs, including sanatorium-resort, if their necessity is indicated by the attending physician in the relevant medical documents of the victim; Middle earnings of the victim for a period of temporary disability, according to hospital sheets, confirmed from the place of work in the form of form 2-NDFL.

In addition, the insurance company is obliged to compensate other expenses caused by the incident accident, if we can prove that it was impossible to do without them in our situation a less costly way. In any case, it is recommended to make an appropriate way and maintain all payment documents.

The loss of commodity value of the goods (TCB) is actually a decrease in the cost of the car, suspended with the premature loss of the former commodity type of transport and its operational qualities, since the strength and service life of individual units, parts and nodes decreases. Therefore, the TCB refers to real damage, it must be taken into account when calculating insurance payments, as well as rehabilitation costs.

Nevertheless, in practice, when assessing damage to damage, insurance companies, with rare exceptions, do not voluntarily use the TCB in evaluating and paying the insured caused real damage from the accident, but not worth a despair. Having an assessment report on the assessment of the TCB, especially with the help of a competent representative-lawyer, it is possible to recover a COT with an insurance company.

At the same time, it is not false to believe that with the help of assistant firms from the announcement we will be able to get damages overnight. In fact, after contacting the insurance company, we must have a car inspection and an assessment of damage caused. After violating this time, we can safely hire an independent examination, its cost will also be obliged to compensate insurance. After receiving our statement, the insurance company for 30 days decides on the payment or refusal for this insurance case.

If payments do not cover the costs associated with correcting the consequences of an accident, you can go to court. Most drivers refuse such an opportunity, referring to a lack of time and desire, and in vain. Statistics show that the lion's part of the case was solved in favor of drivers.

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