How to fill out an accident notice

How to fill out an accident notice

If you have fallen into a slight accident and want to solve the problem without calling the auto inspection, it is important correctly and fully fill the notice. It will provide an opportunity to receive insurance payments, save time and made efforts.

Notice needs to be filled with the second collision participant. It does not matter which of you will provide a form who will be the driver "A", who "B", the main thing - to make all the important information on both sides. It is preferable to write with a ball handle with a good pressure to the front side of the document, and the bottom copy is well read. It is also important that both instances signed every driver. When a collision of several vehicles, fill the notice together with that driver with whom your car immediately contactped.

In addition to the facial part, the notice contains the opposite direction, which must also be filled. Here we describe additional information about the incident and vehicles. If the places were not enough, add on a clean sheet, not forgetting to specify how the document is attached to this entry, who compiled it and put the signature. At the same form, you specify: "with the application."

When filling out some sections of notice, it is especially important to correctly assess the situation and transfer it to the corresponding terms. For example, in paragraph 13, you should specify the arrow not all damage, but only the place of the initial impact. At the 14 point, concisely describe the nature of damage, based on the concepts of "scratch", "dents", "gap" or "damage to paintwork coatings".

DTP scheme draws carefully and if possible for a ruler. We indicate the exact location of the car, the direction of movement, road marking, traffic lights, street names. If there are traces of braking or drift, fragments, their location should also be displayed.

If the second driver for health status can not fill out the notice or refuses to do this, be sure to specify this fact in your own filled letterhead. Also, you will need information about the brand, color, the state number of the second car. Try to find the witnesses of the accident and make their names, coordinates. Your passengers are also witnesses of the accident.

After an accident, you need to send a notice to the insurance company as soon as possible, attaching a statement of insurance payment to it. After 15 business days, the notice will be considered invalid, so it is not worth spending time to be wasted.

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