How to find out the owner of the machine

How to find out the owner of the machine

Sometimes there may be a situation that you need to know the owner of the car. Maybe there was a traffic accident, and he disappeared from the place of the incident. Maybe you, standing in the traffic jam, saw a pretty blonde behind the wheel of a neighboring car, and a day later, they decided that this was your "fate." How to find the owner of the car?

Naturally, only by car number. Just look for a White BVM host - the occupation is completely unpromising. But if you remember the number of the car, then you can do it.

Young woman

Suddenly, traffic accidents occurred and traffic police officers arrived at the scene, then you can directly ask them to help you. But even if you call them the number of the car, which scratched your bumper, law enforcement officers on the roads do not have the right to give you the data that they have in the database. If, of course, you do not "agree" with them. With a person who caused damage to your car, you will get to know a little later when investigative actions will be carried out on the fact of an accident.


If you, for example, forgot about the car, which brought you, your personal items, then you can write a statement in the traffic police. Ask you about providing you with information about the owner of the car and be sure to indicate the reason why they are looking for it. By the way, for a meeting with the girl, this option is not suitable. The reason must be very serious, and its weight will determine the traffic police officers.

On all the automotive sites there are relevant sections where "semi-easiest professionals" work on the search for masters. You should only ask a question on the forum - and friends-motorists will send you to the right direction.


You can hire an official private detective, which today is in any major Russian city. By the number of cars, he literally will find her owner in a few days. Keep in mind that it will cost it expensive - professional work can not be cheap.


You can try to go to the site And find the owner of the notorious machine in the database. But prepare for the fact that the information there may be not very correct. This site is not the official database of the traffic police.

Collage 3.

Suddenly you know in what yard or the garage cooperative is the car, the owner of which you are very interested. Grandmothers on the bench will tell you completely for free, in which apartment he lives and what is his name. In the garage cooperative you will have to "negotiate" with the guard of Vasya about receiving the information you are interested in.


If an unpleasant situation happened in the form of an accident on the road, do not try to deal with the owner of the machine you will find yourself. Connect professionals to this case, let the court decides which punishment should be applied to the violator.

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