The VIN code is the seventeen-digit car identification number, which has letters and numbers. According to this code, you can find out what year the car, the manufacturer, model, brand, the type of box, V engine, the color of the car, etc. have been released. While buying vehicles on the wines, you can determine who the owner of this car and is not in the hijacking. That's just how to find where Vin-kod is located?
Many manufacturers place a wine number in several places. He can be anywhere, so that the criminals do not have the desire to steal cars. After all, it is quite difficult to cut the code.
When buying a used car, the client must learn the VIN code and check the car on it so that there is no problems. On the Internet there are many sites, where in a special window insert the wine number and find out all the information about the car, for example, here:
The location of the Inn car can be under the hood, near the steering, on the windshield, on the front door rack, under the floor sheel, where the driver sits. It is often found this number under the wings, in the trunk.
The wine code is registered in papers on a vehicle: technical passport, insurance, registration certificate. The characters of the number in the documents must match the numbers and letters on the car.
Now we learn how to decrypt the wine number. The first character means a manufacturer's country: J - Japan, S - England, V - Spain, Y - Sweden. The second is the manufacturer, the third is the type of car. The following six letters and numbers are a complete description of the machine. From the 10th to the 12th character - the release date of this car. And the last numbers are the body number. The decoding of characters can be found on the Internet.
Buying a car, be alert. Any motorist needs to know what wine code is and for what it serves. After all, knowing this number, you can be calm that your car is "clean" (not in the accident) and most importantly - not stunned.