How to find unpaid fines

How to find unpaid fines

Unpaid fine may be an unpleasant surprise. Even if you clearly comply with the rules of movement, and in case of violation, you immediately pay fines, I will not ask if you are not a debtor.

If the violation is recorded by the surveillance chamber, the notice of the fine comes by registered mail. The letter can be lost and not to find the addressee. The fact that you have not confirmed by your signature receiving a letter is not interested in the inspection. The penalty is listed for you, and you must pay it within 60 days from the day of overlay. It happens that information about the paid fine is not received into a single traffic police database. Where they are lost - it is unknown, but the debt is also listed for you.


The appearance of bailiffs before the door of your apartment is an unpleasant situation, but corrected. Worse, if you are not able to register before departure to rest outside the country. You can't pay a fine on site, which means that the rest is canceled.

Unpaid fines will create a problem when removing the car from accounting. When a fine payment is delayed for more than 70 days, the amount of the fine increases twice, but not less than 1000 rubles. In addition to another fine, the owner of the car can be attracted to arrest for up to 15 days or forced work up to 50 hours.

The easiest way to check for unpaid fines - without leaving the house, via the Internet. This can be done on a single state service portal or on the traffic police website. Muscovites can take advantage of the Moscow State Service portal:

  • To obtain information on a single website, the State Service will need to register. After registering on the site, go to the next way: "Personal Account" - "Calculations" - "Search Accounts". Next, enter the vehicle number and receive the information you need. If in the "My Data" section in the "Documents" tab, the driver's license number is specified, to learn about unpaid fines it will be easier.
  • On the traffic police website, you must specify the registration number of the machine, the series and the number of registration certificate. Pay fine can be immediately from a bank card.
  • The Moscow State Service portal works on the principle of a single portal. Residents of Moscow and Moscow region should enter the number of their driver's license or data of the certificate of registration of the vehicle.

Information about unpaid fines can be checked in any DPS stationary posts or bailiff service. It is more difficult to get data from baits - you can get into inaccessible days or hours, losing time to wait in the queue. By phone information is not provided.

Check the availability of unpaid fines every two months. Pay attention to the date of discharge of the fine. If more than 2 years have passed since the imposition of the fine, you are not required to pay it. Keep the payment receipt for at least 2 years. And most importantly - follow the rules of the road, then the probability of obtaining a fine will be minimized.

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