How to check the VIN-code of the car

How to check the VIN-code of the car

VIN code (abbreviated from the English. Vehicle. Identification Number - The vehicle identification number) is a number consisting of a combination of 17 letters and numbers. This code is unique, it is assigned to the vehicle when assembling and is used to identify the car. The VIN code provides information on the technical characteristics of the car, the manufacturer. In addition, this individual code can be checked if the car does not work in the hijacking, whether there was an accident with her participation, did not "hang" the debt duty or non-payment on the loan for this car. You can check the VIN code in several ways.

First of all, you need to determine the VIN-code of the car. Typically, individual data can be found in the serviceport and / or in the registration certificate. It should be remembered that fraudsters selling stolen vehicles can fake documentation.

It will not be superfluous to verify the VIN code specified in the documentation, and the code applied by the manufacturer in the factory. The identification data can be found on the tool panel (usually the code is applied to the top in such a way that it can be seen through the windshield), the front left side of the body. In some cars, the VIN code is applied at the junction of the hood and windshield and on the driver's door rack or near the driver's seat under the floor shearing.

You should pay attention to the location of the code. At least in one location of the code (most often under the hood), it is applied to a special labeling plate that is attached to rivets or screws. This tablet cannot be replaced without damaging the mounting area, while VIN codes can be interrupted in other places.

After determining the VIN code, you can proceed to check. Get the car data is possible in online mode. To do this, it is enough to visit one of the following sites: On the site you need to enter a VIN code to the box intended for this and, if necessary, set other search parameters, such as the year of release, car brand, etc. For reliability, you can double-check the number on several sites, including the official website. Traffic police.


To decrypt the code and get information about cars can be independently, but it will take a lot of time and effort. If desired, it is possible to verify information encrypted in the code with the data provided in the documentation. Each letter and digit in the code has a definite value:

  • The first three characters called WMI ( World Manufacturers Identification) Give information about the manufacturer: The first character is the geographic zone code (numbers from 1 to 5 - the code of North America, 6 and 7 - Oceania, 8, 9 and 0 - South America; Latin letters from A BC - Africa, from j to R - Asia, from s to Z - Europe), the second character is the country code, the third is an individual character that is assigned separately to each of the manufacturers.
  • Symbols with 4 to 9 inclusively allow you to determine the model, modification and technical specifications of the car.
  • The last 8 characters of the code provide information on the year of the vehicle output, the factory on which the assembly was made, and the serial code of the car.


When buying a used car, the VIN-code check is a mandatory procedure that will avoid small and large troubles related to the acquisition of a car that has been incurred in the hijacking, formerly in an accident, with outstanding fines or loans.

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