How to check the car on credit or pledge

How to check the car on credit or pledge

In most cases, the new owner of the car learns about buying a problem car after the financial institution's requirement to return debt. Today there are many options for checking the car on a loan or deposit before the transaction. The more information it is studied, the less chance of a fraudster.

Consequences of buying a problem car

After registration of the contract between the lender and the owner of the car, the passport of the vehicle remains at the lender organization before debt payment. The car becomes the guarantor of payments. If the transaction was framed on a copy of a technical passport made by a fraudster, all debt obligations fall on the new owner. The lender has the right to submit to the new owner to the court for non-payment of the next contribution. When contacting the court there is a small chance to win the case, but in most cases the buyer remains without money and the car.

Signs of cars with a loan or pledge

Before dealing, pay attention to some points that may indicate the existence of payments debt.

  • Establish the seller's insurance policy. The bank-lender puts in the document the corresponding mark on the design of the car loan and the availability of debt.
  • In the absence of the original transport passport of the vehicle and the provision of copies, learn the cause of the loss. Note that you get a copy of the document very simply, just write a statement in the GDDD.
  • Look at the date of the last purchase of the car. The car can be left piled if the previous deal is decorated less than 3 years ago. For the specified period, the banks are most often issued by car loan.
  • In advance, learn the price trends of the secondary car market. The understated value indicates the desire of the seller as soon as possible to get rid of the car.
  • Information on lost or stolen documents for buying and selling should also increase the vigilance of the buyer. Often, such documents make information about the design of the car in a deposit.
  • Examine documents Agreement of Parties. Passport details, place and date of the transaction, information about the vehicle, the cost of the car must be spelled out. Check for signatures both sides and a legal entity. A good sign is the presence of a point with the deregulation of auto loan debt debt.
  • Do not lose vigilance if the seller delays the verification process and does not show the documents, trying to convince the buyer in the absence of problems with with a car. This is a sign of the uncleanness of the seller.
  • Also, the machine with an outstanding loan issues a complete set and appearance: it does not have alarm, radio tape recorder and other accessories. The car has a small mileage due to a short use.

How to check the legal frequency of the car

On the Internet there are many databases for which you can check the legitimacy of the transaction.

ViN number check

This code is individual for each machine, applied to the body and PTS. The car number must match the number in the documents. You can go to the site http:, enter the VIN number and check the car for the arrest or deposit. The presence of a car in the list that appears indicates the unreliability of the seller.

Check for the registry of the collateral property

Recently, the register of collateral appeared in Russia, which makes information about the vehicles made on bail. You can use the service if you go to the site http: / # /.

Verification owner check

On the site you can get information about the owner of the car. To do this, open the page, run the system of the "EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION" system and enter the name of the seller and the date of its birth.

Machinations with the sale of the car under the guarantee of people pushes a heavy financial situation, and wait for the return of lost funds is not worth it. That is why before buying it is necessary to check the car on credit and carry out a deal with the participation of legal entities.

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