How to sell the car bought on credit

How to sell the car bought on credit

The reasons to get rid of the car bought on credit is enough. Perhaps the most important of them is the money "IHO", which is carrying his owner experiencing financial difficulties. Understanding that the loan is not on his pocket, the borrower is often trying to sell such a car to pay with the bank. In this case, the problem immediately arises: to reissue the car on a potential buyer in the traffic police can not, as there is a ban on the re-registration of a vehicle signed by the creditor bank officials. Of this situation there are several outlets that we will consider below.

You can get the Bank's consent to the implementation of the purchase and sale transaction of the credit car. To do this, you must write an application to the bank to obtain the appropriate permission. In her request, it is important to point out the reason for the transaction a burning desire to pay the loan. Then the bank willingly go to its customer.

There is an option for selling a car and without a permission of a bank that is not particularly important in a borrower source for repayment of the loan. Here the owner of the car will have to search for such a buyer who will be ready to pay off the remaining amount of the loan. True, for this it should be very admired by such a car.

When the bank does not allow the sale of pledge until the credit repayment can help the consumer loan. Immediately we can say that interest on it is rather solid. However, cash losses are slightly compensated by the repayment until the term of the first loan. In addition, the consumer loan can be repayed by money reversed from the sale of cars.

You can remove the ban on the sale of a credit vehicle by replacing the mortgage property. To do this, you will have to contact the bank and provide him with another equivalent pledge: apartment, house, plot, etc. Then the bank will impose a ban on the alienation of the new collateral provided, and the vehicle exempts from under custody. After that, you can sell the car, make a debugged money for repayment of the loan and free your property from the collateral.

Alternatively, you can take a car in Trade-in. Many car dealers today provide such a service. Its essence is as follows: the Salon redeems his car from the borrower, but instead of money offers the exchange of an old car to a new one. Repayment of the loan car dealership takes over.

The main minus of this option is a considerable loss of money, because In this case, the cabin client buys an old car at low cost. That's all. We hope our information turned out to be useful. Good luck to everyone!

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