How to sell a car in pledge

How to sell a car in pledge

When selling in a pledge, the bank of a personal car take off his accounting in the traffic police will not be able until a loan is repaid. But this does not mean that the car can not be sold.

For legitimate and proper sale of personal transport, find the buyer, the consonant to acquire the laid car. Enclose in the notary or in the traffic police a contract of sale, decorated and certified properly. Notarized transactions have a high degree of reliability, despite decent financial spending.

Notary 1.

Contact the bank where you are a credit "debtor", with a statement about the desire to sell a vehicle and a document transaction on a car. The buyer will pay off your credit, and the bank in turn will send a proper letter to the traffic police, then reform the car to another person - in this case of the buyer.

The second legitimate way to which we will have to be slightly spent during renewal, we will consider the following: if your car is pledged by the bank, then give the bank, having previously coordinated this moment, an alternative mortgage "subject", for example, real estate, thereby freeing his favorite On the bail for further sale.

The option when the power of attorney for the buyer is issued, and the seller immediately receives money units in return, does not fully and fully and completely undergoes, but is widely used when selling laid vehicles in the event that a clause is not prescribed by the point prohibiting the vehicle by proxy.

Even if your buyer became a close relative, write it a receipt for the transfer of funds. Although this transaction plan performed by unfamiliar people can be dangerous for the buyer, because the receipt is not a document, but rather "Filkina of a gram" for soothing. And on her foundation, the case associated with fraud is not considered.

The cost of cars issued for sale in pledge is significantly lower, so it is necessary to be extremely cautious with the assertive buyer, so as not to give your favorite for a shipment to the first seller, ready to repay your loan debt in a short time.

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