How to sell a car

How to sell a car

Sooner or later, many car owners are faced with the process of selling their vehicle. When the buyer has already been found, who opted for your car, arises the question of how to make a deal correctly.

The most important thing is to agree with the buyer about the ultimate cost, given the bargaining, discounts and concessions at a price as a result of the inspection of transport. After that, in orally, discuss all the details of the transaction. The next thing to do is to fill out a purchase and sale agreement in three copies. Ready forms and samples for correct filling without difficulty can be found and printed on the Internet.

Then there is a filling of the passport of the vehicle. Now PTS has 6 "windows" to make data on the new owner. Make sure that you still have free graphs in your document. The F. I. O. Owner is indicated there, the address of the buyer's registration, information about the contract of sale with the date of transfer of the car. Next are given signatures of both sides. In the event of a legal entity, a legal entity is stamped.

The transfer of money is very scrupulous moment, it is important not to become a victim of fraud. When paying in cash, you should immediately check their authenticity in the nearest bank. This service may cost 0.5-1% of the total amount. If you have a bank card, you can put money on it with the help of an ATM, skipping bills through a bill acceptor, thereby checking their authenticity. Convenient and widespread way is the opening of an account in the bank.

When the payment is made, this is done in the contract of sale. All key sets are given to the buyer, which is also marked in the contract. From documents on the hands provide PTS, a diagnostic map of technical inspection and two copies of the sale contract, one of which must be given to the traffic police, one sample leaves themselves.

According to the amendments made to the Regulations on the registration of vehicles in October 2013, no longer needed to remove the car from registration before selling. These innovations greatly simplify the purchase algorithm and car sales. Thus, your registration numbers remain on the vehicle.

If there is a risk that the new owner does not turn to the GTP bodies to make changes to the registration data, then you have the right to take on this initiative. It is worth just write a statement in the traffic police about the cessation of the car registration. Otherwise, you will receive fines and an annual transport tax on someone else's car.

When all these stages are completed, the transfer process of ownership can be considered complete. Just in case, in order to avoid unexpected situations, the seller and the buyer should exchange phone numbers.

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