How to re-inform the car

How to re-inform the car

The reasons for the transition of the car from one owner to another may be many. This is the purchase of transport, donation, receiving inheritance. In order to calmly ride the car, the owner must re-transfer the car on itself. This procedure itself is simple, but this is not enough for it.

When the car correspondence does not avoid various payments - cash charges, taxes and various commissions. Therefore, some buyers to not pay them, decide to make the general power of attorney.

But this method of correspondence has a disadvantage: the car remains owned by the former owner. And the car owner can simply terminate the power of attorney, and the buyer will remain with nothing. In the event of the death of the former car owner, the car will be transferred to the inheritance to relatives.

So it is necessary to correctly make transport reissue. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a sales contract. This act is done by the notary. A properly compiled document is the key to a successful deal.

The seller after signing the act receives money, and the buyer is a vehicle passport (with its last name in the column owner), registration certificate, keys. Then take the documents (act of purchase and sale, your passport, the passport of the vehicle, the certificate of registration) and we are going to the MREO.

Here you have to pay taxes and make an inspection of your car. Please note that your auto fit an externally description in the documents and there were no constructive alterations. Be sure to purchase a first-aid kit, fire extinguisher and a sign, if not. After that, you need to get the policy of OSAGO.

Now it is not necessary to put a car for accounting if you were prescribed in a passport on a car as a host. And if the car seller lives in one city with you, then the transport numbers can be not changed.

Transport purchase is serious. Buyer need to be vigilant, so as not to become a victim of a fraudster. Therefore, do everything by law. And if there are some ambiguities, then refer to lawyers. Do not listen to the advice of incompetent people.




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