How to pass car inspection

How to pass car inspection

The passage of the vehicle inspection is mandatory, because it is possible to avoid trouble to all participants in the road. It will allow to identify even minor malfunctions in all mechanisms of the machine, will significantly reduce the likelihood of emergency situations. The presence of a document on the passage will provide you with the lack of fines from the traffic police and simplify the relationship with the insurers. So what is needed in order to pass this procedure correctly?

Start the process of passing the inspection from writing to any district specialized department that is functioning at the traffic police, or an inspection station accredited for this. Adaptables can be found on any autoportal.

Prepare all the necessary documents that you will need to present at the place of passage: a document certifying personality (passport, temporary certificate, for foreign citizens - a residence permit), driver's license, technical coupon or passport, document confirming registration and right to possession The vehicle, the TC technical ticket, the receipt of the tax on the tax on the car (state duty is paid pensioners, people with disabilities, heroes of Russia and the USSR), a medical unit for the form, permission to an image of an advertisement on a car, if any available on it.

Check out the set of your car with such necessary things as an emergency stop sign, a first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher (the shelf life of which is still valid).

Pay special attention to checking the entire brake system of your car (parking and foot brake), as well as its tightness - everything should work without the slightest comments.

Measure measurements of harmful emissions CO. You will definitely help you on a hundred and prepare for the passage.

For a hundred, also pay attention to the backlash wheels (when passing, it will definitely be checked). Standards from rotations, hotels and jerks at the steering wheel should not be.

Wheels and discs should be in perfect condition not only before passing the inspection. Eliminate traces of wear, cuts, deformations, if any.

Make a complete revision of the entire lighting system of your car. Illumination of the license plate, overall lights, stop signal, swivel lights, fog lights, near and long lighting should function without failures.

Do not forget to check the operation of the front and rear windscitters, glassworker systems, turn signals, car alarm.

Safety belts must be well fixed, the seats are stable, and the doors of the machine are easy to open and closed.

Having collected all the documents by washing away the car and prepare it for the technical inspection, you can safely go to that. If you are all done correctly, you will be given a cherished document on which its validity will be specified.

Remember that the inspection of your car is better in a specialized place for this. Only from your consciousness depends on the safety of you and your loved ones. Before quickly and illegally buying a passage of passing, think about the severity of your act.

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