How to find out the battery date

How to find out the battery date

Batteryimportant part car. Without his car not head and not will be function her systems. At select  necessary spend attention date production. From hERE depends aside for a long time lost  this product. V article tells o volume, how define number release and o standard designations this information.

1) Definition dates battery production

Choosing storage device first business necessary watch on the date production. He too it has term sucidity. Battery, that lying on the shelves store continuous time, not reliable. She maybe seek v any moment. For eVERY type batteries exists definite term storage:

  • svintsovoacidic610 months;
  • with alloyed plates1215 months;
  • calcium less 10 months.

Data timing can vary, it not hard temporary framework. Durability battery. fully depends from conditions storage, at condition, what recharging not held. Specifications from long storage it is better not become. Across pair years warehouse storage they practically fully lose their properties, and acquire their no meaning. There is nice exceptions, which save charge on the length couple. years. So front  acquisition and installation on the automobile see number manufacturing.

Overallaccepted marks on the battery. no. Each manufacturer locked information on own standards. She maybe place on the:

  • upper surface;
  • frontal parts;
  • special label.

2) Common methods battery Release Date Designation

  • Digital the code.

Above or side on the surface putting the code, consisting from couple. parts: first4 numbers, secondsix. for instance: 1234 567890.
1room lines manufacturing;
6first or second part of the year;
7month development;
0room shifts (maybe be two numbers).

  • Digitalletter.

Some companies used v tags not only numbers, but and letters, denotes date production. for instance: 1234 (H.)5, where:
1day weeks;
2,3room weeks;
4 (H.) – year (H.2011, V.2012, N.2013, Z.2014, P.2015, A.2016, S.2017, T.2018 and t.d..)
5marking watch.

  • Letter the code.

Applied fully letter codes, produced laser on the upper surface products. for instance: Debc., where  letter means:
1,2 lettera week;
3,4 letter –  year.
Designation begins with zero. The code from example denotes following34 a week 12 of the year.

3) Rules storage Battery

Important not only right select battery, but and competent his keep, when car not used. Necessary periodically check charge battery. and support his v workers condition. Keep battery. necessary only with electrolyte. V situation repeated fill battery liquid, he maybe not restore my power fully. This reduces term his services. Observe regulations security at work with electrolyteto to avoid burns on the skin.

Used tips articles, and having studied methods marking rechargeable batteries, You will be able to select most fresh instance. Contact attention on the a type products, considering limit timing storage. At compliance these rules battery lost for a long time, and not let's follow v most unexpected moment. Successful choice.


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