How to charge a car battery

How to charge a car battery

The battery along with the motor can be called the heart of the car, because it feeds the electricity engine and other units and devices. Periodically, the battery is discharged, especially in the cold season. Therefore, the battery needs to be fully charged.

Before starting the process, check the electrolyte indicators. The electrolyte level is checked by immersion of pipettes in one of the boys. If the glass rod is filled with 20 mm, the level is considered permissible. In the case of a reduced level, distilled water is poured. By density of electrolyte, one can judge the degree of charge of the battery. The normal density of the charged battery is 1.28 g / cm 3 At temperatures + 25 ° C. Decreased density by 0.01 g / cm 3 Compared with the nominal indicates that the battery is charged by 8%.

Another important criterion is the choice of charge current - 5% of the battery capacity, while it turns out a deeper and complete charge. In addition, the electrolyte density is leveling in all elements of the battery. For example, the "working" current for the battery with a label 55 A / h is about 3 A. The voltage of the charger in 16 V is suitable for 12 V batteries.

Depending on the charging method, three types of chargers distinguish: with a constant voltage, with a constant current and combined. When using a device with a constant current, be sure to correct the current strength and control the gas evolution. Modern includes devices with a combination of direct current and voltage. They are fully automated and do not require additional skills.

After selecting the charger, the place is prepared, it should be in a well-spoken room. Turn off the battery terminals and purify it from dust and dirt. Tubes need to be turned out for a better gas feed and cover the holes so that the electrolyte does not splash. The main rule: plus terminal to connect to the plus of the battery, minus terminal - to minus, only then turn on the charger to the network.

Full battery charging occurs within 10 hours. At the same time, the process proceeds slowly, which will only extend the "life" and add "health" of AKB. Charging time varies and depends on the type of memory, the degree of blockage of the battery, ambient temperature. The readiness of the battery is determined by the indicator or information display.

After charging, it is necessary to check the electrolyte level again, the density in all elements should not be different by more than 0.04 g / cm 3. Before installing the battery you need to clean the terminals of a piece of wood, it will improve contacts.

To prevent the oxidation of the terminals, you can apply lubricant on them using a litol or solidol. Be sure to keep the battery clean and dry, special attention is paid to the positive terminal. Wipe the surface with a soft cloth, which is moistened in an aqueous solution of soda.

Do not forget to monitor the heating temperature of the battery and disconnect the charger in case of overheating. Be careful and all work with the battery with the battery when the engine is not working.

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