How to start the right battery

How to start the right battery

If you assemble in the morning to work, you turn the ignition key and does not happen, most likely, your plans violated the sitting, as always not on time, battery. Forgot to turn off the dimensions, left music, and perhaps all the blame strong frosts. The reason is not important, the fact remains a fact that the battery sat down, and the car should urgently start. Let's consider the basic ways of resuscitation of the sex battery.

If you or the neighbor in the garage there is a charger - the problem is solved. We charge the battery with this simple instrument, following the instructions.

When there is no charging, but there is another car whose battery is not discharged, you can "see". Use special wires with crocodiles fasteners for this. Perform work according to the following scheme:

  • Put two cars nearby.
  • With a red wire for chilling, connect the "+" working battery with the "+" seeding.
  • Now the black wire connect the "-" charged battery with any unwrapped part of the engine of its car.
  • Get a donor car and wait 5-10 minutes.
  • Now get your car if the motor works without interruptions, you can join both cars and carefully remove the wires in the reverse order.

You can try to start the car from the pusher:

  • Set the shift lever "on the neutral" and turn on the ignition.
  • Expand the car to 5-7 km / h. The couple-triple assistants will not hurt.
  • Hall the clutch and, depending on the volume of the engine, turn on 2, 3 or 4 transmission.
  • Now smoothly release the clutch, the motor car must start.
  • If your car with automation or with a variator, charge the battery from the pusher does not work.

Run the engine using towing. The task sequence is the same as when "from the Pull" method, with the difference that the car accelerates another car. It is important that both drivers act coordinated and follow the distance.

Well, when there is a charger or comrade on the car at hand, but if such a situation found you surprise in the country or on vacation, you have to get out differently, buy and independently install a new battery. This is usually cheaper than causeing machine components.

On the Internet, you can meet several completely fantastic ways: to start directly from the mains in 220 V or pour red semi-dry wine into the battery, not dessert. You can, of course try. But if your car is your car, practice old proven receptions.

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Polevoy 02/22/2016 at 13:53

"Now make your car if the motor works without interruptions, you can join both cars and carefully remove the wires in the reverse order."
Author in his mind? If you drown out a car with a served battery and remove the wires, then it will rearrange it again.

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