How to start an injector in winter

How to start an injector in winter

Strong frosts, and in general winter weather, do not most likely affect the work of our cars. All parts are frozen, the engine oil and the box thick, the battery and the entire electronic system work at the limit of their capabilities. Of course, under such conditions, wear is much faster and tougher than with good dry weather. And after a long frosty night, an injection engine may not start at all. But still there are several ways to bring your injector to the sense.

If the car does not start, turn on a few seconds a long light or other device. This will warm up the electrolyte and closer the chain. Sick the clutch, if it is not an automatic, and try to start, but do not twist the starter longer than five seconds, otherwise there is a danger to plant a battery or pour candles. If all is well, the car should start.

If still a battery sat down, you will have to reanimate it, or buy a new one. There are several ways to recharge: the first is home or in the garage from the battery charger, but this method is sufficiently lengthy, you need at least a couple of hours to minimize the battery.


The second method is charging from the donor machine when using wires with crocodilers at the ends or so-called "cigarette". With this method, be extremely careful not to damage the electronics or the donor machine. The procedure for the action of this: plus terminal of the seal battery connect to the plus on the operating engine using the clips of the same color. Similarly, we do the second pair of wires on minus terminals. Leave to recharge the battery for about 5-7 minutes. After that, we turn off the engine donor and wire engine in the reverse order, trying to start the car. Do not use this method if the temperature is too low, do not use the donor with a smaller battery power.

Best of all, of course, prevent car freezing. Before the winter season, change the candles, check the nozzles, in the box and the engine it is better to replace the oil on the winter, insulate the garage.

You can use the preservation of electrical heaters, if you can connect to the network, or use gasoline heaters.

Take the technical inspection of your car on time, eliminate all problems immediately. Then to deal with emergency launch of the injector in winter will not have so often.

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