How to store automotive tires

How to store automotive tires

Often, motorists have a minimum of two sets of rubber for a car - summer and winter. After all, one set can serve with proper storage and operation not one season. And the replacement of tires for the season is obligatory in terms of safety and to comply with the most conditions of operation and storage. And annually before car owners, the urgent question is about storing tires.

Proper storage of tires will save their operational qualities for a long time, so do not neglect even the most, it would seem insignificant recommendations. Before removing the tires, mark them along the location and direction of the tread. Thoroughly wash the rubber, remove the dirt, stones stuck in the protective, process special chemistry intended for conservation. Rinse especially thoroughly and process winter tires, as the roads in winter are often processed by reagents, and they can significantly be the rubber of your car.


Tires are stored in special plastic bags, often a new rubber is sold along with these packages, or they can be purchased in a specialized center for the sale of tires. Packages prevent air from entering, moisture, sunlight. But if you are going to store rubber on alloy wheels, then you should not pack the tires in packages tightly - otherwise the condensate that is formed inside can enhance the corrosion of the disks.

Store car tires are needed in a dry, ventilated room. It is important that the neutral humidity is observed in it, there were no sharp drops of temperatures, and the sun rays either penetrated inside at all, or did not fall into rubber. These three things are afraid of tires for the car. It is also desirable that the room is quite clean, since dust and dirt can also increase the aging of the tires. All these factors separately or together lead to the fact that microcracks are formed on the tires, often even invisible to the eye, and tire reliability decreases.

Level 2

Based on the requirements for the storage of automotive rubber, choose a dry, pure basement or a brick garage, pantry, or a special warehouse as a storage facility. Metal garages are not suitable due to the fact that the temperature differences in them are always significant. It is categorically recommended to store automotive tires on an outdoor street - no canopy and packages will protect rubber from all negative factors - high and low temperatures, their drops, dust, dirt, humidity. It is also not worth keeping the tires on the balcony or glazed loggia, in addition to harm to the tires, you still create negative conditions for yourself and loved ones, as rubber under the influence of heat, air and light will have unpleasant odors.

If you store bus tires, you can use the services of specialized centers, a hundred, tire storage tires in the offseason. Carefully read the service agreement, it must be spelled out the storage, transmission and receipt of rubber, assessment of the state before and after, the responsibility of the company providing services. Refuse in case you are offered to pass tires for storage without concluding a contract. You can walk around the warehouse and make sure that all the conditions prescribed in the contract are observed - familiarize yourself with the data of thermometers, hygrometers, see the absence of heating electrical appliances.

It is also important and the question of tire position throughout storage. Ideally, contain tires must be fully asselected with discs, and those pumped up to their normal pressure. In this case, the discs are recommended to be stacking, or in suspended state. If only a set of tires without disks is replaceable, then when stored it should be positioned vertically in a row. Do not hang tires without discs, otherwise the edges of the tire can be deformed with long-term storage in one position under their own weight. Also, there are no tires that are not installed on the discs, fold on top of each other, since the load in this case to the bottom wheels will be unnecessary, and they will be hard to balance during the installation.

With proper storage of tires, you will increase their life and you will be confident in the reliability of the rubber of your car. And therefore, in its own security when maneuvers on the road.

Comments leave a comment
Gleb 04/11/2015 at 10:49.

My problem is solved simply - lying on the balcony. Although the wife all strives to attach them somewhere.

To answer
Sofia 05/11/2015 at 10:16.

Well, correctly does. Tires place in the garage, and not on the balcony.

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