How to store wheels

How to store wheels

Twice a year, motorists "pass off" their cars. And there is a reasonable question: how to keep winter tires in summer, and summer tires in winter? After all, the quality of the tires on the time of use depends on the quality conditions of storage.

Storage conditions wheel depend on the type of tires. Summer or winter tires, on disks or without them. Remove and wash and dry the tires. Dirt and water speeds up sS Artarea rubber tires. Also can be processed wheels specialized preservative composition rubber. They can be purchased in stores auto chemicals or auto parts.

If the tires are on casting or disks, then they store them neatly folded one to another, on a flatsurfaces. Or hang on the hook. In this case, remember that you only need to hang over the middle of the disk. Recommend to store tires on disks and in the usual manner.

If the rubber is empty, then put her On a smooth floor or shelf, vertically to each other. Every two weeks turn wheels 30 degrees clockwise. This will allow you to avoid shifting the center of gravity in rubber. Summer tires can be wrapped isolonwhich will help keep warm, in case the garage is unheated.

Remember that summer rubber is afraid of low temperatures. If summer tires perezorn, then their structure will break, the tire cracks and will come In disrepair. An ideal place for storing summer rubber is a good garage with heating.

Store winter tires are much easier. Since the structure winter tires Much softer than summer, winter tires Do not endure summer Heat. By analogy with the storage of summer tires, we fold the winter tires horizontally or vertically. We avoid only direct sunlight and overheating of the auto strokes. Because of the ease of storage, winter tires can be stored in any shed or garage.

After storing any rubber before her Using Be sure to check the integrity of the tires. After all, the quality of the ride depends on this, as well as the safety of you and your passengers.

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Peter 10/19/2015 at 16:08

Previously, they lay on the balcony, now the warehouse lease.

To answer
Zhenka 10/20/2015 at 8:28.

Not expensive to pay for the warehouse?

To answer

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