How to replace a puncture wheel

How to replace a puncture wheel

No car is insured against the punctures of the wheels, especially on our roads, because this situation is often found. Therefore, each owner of the car will use knowledge about how to replace the punctured wheel.

So that at the time of the puncture of the wheel could be replaced independently, you need to carry all the necessary tools in the car: jack, hb gloves, focus for wheels (brick), balloon key and spare parts. It is desirable that the key is from steel and had a long handle. The scrolling of the connective nut will facilitate the WD-40 aerosol.

Spare Wheel (1)

Park the car in a permitted safe place if it is impossible to remove it from the road, then turn on the accident, also put an emergency stop sign, as indicated in traffic rules.

Turning off the engine, you need to put the machine to 1 transmission and handbrake. Under the wheel on the opposite side of the printed tire, put the stop. If there are no stops with you, the usual brick is suitable. Such an action will save the car at the time of replacing the wheels from unintentional movement.

Put the jack itself for the jack for the jack, install it in that position until the punctured wheel is slightly touching the road. Balloon key You need to loosen the nuts of the damaged wheel to free scrolling.

Remove the spare wheel, put it near yourself, now raise the machine to the desired height, about 4-5 cm.

By revealing the nut, remove the wheel. Suggest a spare wheel, tighten the nuts until you stop. Lowering the jack, remove it and tighten the nuts to the limit.

Now you need to check the pressure in the wheel, if necessary, pump it.

Removing the supports from under the wheels, you can proceed to movement.

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