How to replace the wipers

How to replace the wipers

The wipers in the car are the special brushes on the wiper, which provide the driver with good visibility of the road. They are often replaced, because they are regularly used by the chauffeur for cleansing windows. If the wipers began to leave scratches and divorces, then this is a faithful sign that they were in disrepair and need to be changed as soon as possible.

Since the wipers provide primarily by the driver on the road, then they must work flawlessly and change as soon as they start to come into malfunction. If you are going to replace the wiper brushes, then before buying them, do the measurements of old janitors. Put yourself in your phone or on a piece of paper the length of the brushes and the width of their landing place. You need to measure both janitor, because there are cars, where the brushes in the wiper have a different length. For example, from the passenger side is one length, and from the side of the chauffeur - other. Also for each car there are sizes of janitors. Rear glasses cleaner Also not low.

Then decide on the amount of money you are ready to pay for new wiper brushes. If you have a small amount, you can stop the choice on classic framework models of janitors. They have a small cost, but also the service life is not so great. If the quality is more important for you, then get the wipers without a frame or combined. These models are more expensive, but also serve a lot longer than budget versions of brushes.

Next, remove the wipers from your car. In most car models, they are eliminated in the same way. To remove them, remove the leash of the brush and pull it down. If you did not succeed, then look, if there is no place where the wiper is connected to the leash, a special latch. If it is there, then open this latch and remove the janitor.

If the brush cannot be removed or it is removed with great difficulty, then it is possible that the rust is hampered. In order to speed up the process of replacing janitors, you should wipe the connection place in this case. special composition WD-40. He will remove this rust very easily.

Well, now install new brushes. This process should not cause you difficulties, because it is similar to the removal of janitors, but only in this case everything is done in reverse order. If you bought the wipers of a frame view with a metal case, then before installing them, treat the WD-40 seat or any other composition preventing corrosion. This will allow you to replace the wiper brushes next time without much effort. The instructions should be made to new brushes to which you can contact if there are difficulties during their replacement. As a last resort, contact the car service where you will certainly help make replacing brushes.

We hope that this article will help you to replace the wiper brushes without problems when such a need. Remember that faulty wipers in the car can be even caused by an accident with very sad consequences. Therefore, in time, change them and do not save on your safety while driving a vehicle. Watch out for the correct operation of wipers. Do not put the car for a long time under the hot sun, and also try not to leave it in a strong frost on the street. For a longer service of janitors, ideally hold your car in the garage.

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