How to clean the glass from ice

How to clean the glass from ice

According to statistical studies, the number of emergency situations is increasing with the onset of the first frost. As a rule, 10% of the accidents are a consequence of the departure of the parking lot with the icing glass. To combat similar problems, many ways have long been invented and tested. The main of them are described in this publication.

The most popular method is a mechanical removal of a plastic object or a special scraper. During the procedure, observe maximum caution. Movements should not be sharp and strong. In the current case can suffer glass.

Numerous ice removal fluids are not less popular. Aerosol "The Authority" will easily solve the problem. It is enough to spray it into the frozen plot and leave for a while. When the reaction occurs, the worship of the ice can be removed even with a soft tissue.

If there is no special means at hand, you can use the old-kindly dundaled way. Alcohol, as it is impossible, removes years from the glass. Moisten the icing portion with a cloth or sponge impregnated with non-freezing liquid. After 10 minutes, only Cashian from alcohol, ice and water will remain on the glass. To remove it take a soft brush or rag.

To combat ice, you can use a conventional cook salt. Also use calcium chloride or alum. To prepare the solution, mix 2 tbsp. Salts and 200 ml of water. Finished mixture thoroughly rub the glass. After removing ice residues, wipe it with a clean cloth.

There are cases when the inner side of the glass is exposed to the failure. In such a situation, there is no need to be taken for rubbing it. As a result, there will be divorces, get rid of which will be very hard. The most reasonable way is to include at the maximum blowing and wait for complete defrost.

Remember: Watering glass hot water during the frost in no case. As a result - cracks on glasses and frame. If you have decided to use the thermal removal of ice, give preference to warm water. But do not forget that it immediately needs to be washed, in order to avoid new ice formations.

As a spare option, you can apply to the frozen area with hot water heating. But, alas, such a way takes a lot of precious time. Since the area of \u200b\u200bthe heating is small, it is better to use it only in cases where a small plot is frozen.

So that such a problem does not touch you, store the car in the covered place or garage. If this option is not possible - get a waterproof case. And yes, raise the wipers if you leave the car in the cold for several hours. So they are not talking to the windshield.

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