How to choose windshield

How to choose windshield

Any auto glass is sooner or later replaced. The most vulnerable is the windshield - it is precisely the highest load during a ride. Yes, and the movements of "janitors" and small pebbles from under their wheels and passing by cars leading to the appearance of scuffs and cracks on the front glass of the car. So how to choose high-quality windshield?

Autoglass - the thing is expensive. Before you say goodbye to a considerable amount of money for new windshield, carefully inspect the future acquisition. On a high-quality auto district, you will not find chipping, microcracks, scratches, scratches. It must be absolutely transparent (not muddy and without inclusions) and have smooth smooth edges. Be sure to check the glass for visual distortion - such a defect is found quite often.

Forehead glass deputy

The next important moment is on the original autoglass there must be black marking (as a rule, it is in one of the corners of the glass). It is applied at the factory or by chemical etching, or by engraving. On the marking is the date of manufacture, oligation marks, information about the factory, information about the type of glass. If the marking is absent, most likely in front of you handicraft glass, which, with the slightest impact, splits into sharp fragments, and when the temperature drops - burst.

Forehead glass4

Choosing a windshield, prefer the standard option, the dimensions of which are perfect for your car. Non-standard glass after some time can start a "walking", passing the car in the salon moisture, dust, dirt. By the way, car windows are subject to mandatory certification, so do not hesitate to ask the seller to present the necessary documents. First, we are talking about the safety of you and your loved ones, secondly, you pay money, not a candy.

Lob glass3

The frontal autoglasses are single-layer (they are called "Stalint") and multi-layered. Single-layer glass is necessarily subjected to special heat treatment, due to which it is scattered into small, but stupid particles. The single-layer option is most often purchased for mounting in the side or rear openings of the car. Choose a multi-layer "triplex" as the windshield. The manufacturing technology "Triplex" is as follows - several layers of glass are sampled with a high-quality transparent polymer film. In the case of mechanical damage to the windshield, it is this film that will hold the fragments, so they will not harm neither the driver or passengers.

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Following the above recommendations, even the driver-novice will be able to choose high-quality windshield.

Comments leave a comment
Victoria 10/02/2018 at 2:56.

I choose Japs. What a car is Nissan that AGC glasses. Tested even when the car burned. The sideways have shielded, and there is no subpalin on the glass. My cost almost 10 thousand two years ago in the store, I found cheaper at Avito, took.

Anton 07/07/2018 at 2:11

Better than Pilkington glass was not from me. The village is just perfect. It is very clear everything can be seen (I somehow observed from a friend in a distortion car - he can be visible norms, and I look like a significant look). It is expensive, but you can save by buying on the same Avito. I last brought there, but I saw on Boksbury. Conveniently, you are paying only if everything has arranged. Well, that is, the risk is only if you do not know how to choose the glass and did not notice the defect.


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