  • Doors
    No matter how cool, and sooner or later in an apartment or house anyway, something will break - a washing machine, a sofa or a handle on the door.
    15.04.2019 279 0
  • Doors
    Now we will give you practical recommendations on how to make the arch in the doorway with your own hands and will analyze the entire process "on the shelves."
    29.03.2017 490 0
  • Doors
    Laying a new carpet, stripping or painting the door, grinding the root of the sliding edge and the mass of the reasons occurs in everyday life, which require the removal of the door with the loops.
    19.02.2017 456 0
  • Doors
    Did you read somewhere or heard the phrase "door closes automatically"? About the device that performs closing open doors and will be discussed in this article.
    09.02.2017 457 0
  • Improvement of the territory
    Private house or summer cottage cannot do without fence. And of course, the entrance to the territory must be issued concisely and attractive.
    06.02.2017 452 0
  • Waterproofing, thermal insulation
    No house is insured against heat loss. Many heat is lost through windows and doors. Modern double-glazed windows allow you to significantly reduce the losses, but can not boast of such doors.
    03.02.2017 449 0
  • Doors
    There are situations where a person cannot open the front door or the car door. Causes can be completely different.
    27.02.2016 1390 0
  • Doors
    The procedure for mounting the door in the bathroom is similar to the design of the design in other rooms. However, it should be borne in mind that the room is characterized by increased dampness.
    22.06.2015 1252 0
  • Doors
    From drywall, you can make a variety of facilities, you just need to know the features of addressing this building material.
    18.06.2015 1375 0
  • Doors
    The platbands give the door to the aesthetic appearance, their installation means the completion of the apartment repair.
    12.06.2015 1323 0
  • Doors
    After you installed the door, safety is guaranteed. Also, tenants of the house will be reliably protected from annoying sounds that are coming out.
    08.06.2015 1664 0
  • Doors
    On the surface of unsembly loops, dirt and rust is formed. As a result, they begin to creak and gradually come to unsuitability.
    04.06.2015 1311 2
  • Doors
    Before staining, interior doors are recommended to be pre-removed from the loops and arrange in a horizontal position.
    27.05.2015 1115 0
  • Doors
    Installation of door platforms is performed taking into account the material of their manufacture and configuration of products. 1) minimum set of tools: roulette, line, carbon; Hacksaw with small teeth; Level; Hammer; Drill; Kerner.
    15.04.2015 883 0
  • Doors
    Security Guarantee Total House is a high-quality door and a reliable castle. It is from this that your silence and calm dependead.
    28.02.2015 1798 0
  • Doors
    The harmonic doors are sold by sets equipped with the necessary spare parts for the assembly and suspension of the folding cloth of a certain size.
    23.02.2015 1517 0
  • Doors
    Repair, moving or just a change in the situation - a frequent phenomenon for many "mobile families". However, sometimes we want everything immediately: for example, leave the old door, taking into account the fact that it is not suitable for it at all.
    23.02.2015 1331 0
  • Doors
    Doors humanity began to use since a long time. The first input structures served skins hanged at the entrance to the cave.
    15.01.2015 1210 0
  • Doors
    When installing the door frame, dobors are often installed - these are a good door boards, which are framed by the inlet opening shoals.
    15.12.2014 1993 0
  • Doors
    The entrance door is a kind of outpost of your home that ensures the safety of the home. Only the correctly chosen door will fully respond to the tasks and justifies your investment.
    20.11.2014 911 0
  • Doors
    Repair of any room is often accompanied by replacing the interior door. A suitable model is selected, ordered and brought home.
    08.10.2014 1259 0
  • Doors
    The semicircular shape of the arch enlisters the doorway and helps to create a comfort in the apartment. When choosing a material for manufacturing, the arches often prefer drywall.
    06.10.2014 2380 0
  • Doors
    The need to replace the door glass occurs not only because of his damage, but when I want to update the interior by adding new decorative elements.
    18.09.2014 2563 0
  • Doors
    Installation of door loops is a process that at first glance seems quite complicated. It is really not so simple, because due to the wrong decision there may be difficulties when operating the doors in the future.
    13.09.2014 2417 0
  • Doors
    One of the main advantages of the hoop doors is compact. Usually they are put in small-sized housing. They are intended for wide opening, in which double-minded doors can most often see.
    02.09.2014 2302 0
  • Doors
    Doors are an integral part of any apartment. They cost a lot, and the price of work on their installation can increase your expenses even more.
    27.08.2014 1392 0
  • Doors
    The need to replace the door lock usually occurs because of its breakage, lose the key or unreliability of the old shut-off system.
    26.08.2014 1269 0
  • Doors
    If you from the previous owners of the apartment got a laptile metal door or you ourselves decided to save, and in the winter you came to the conclusion that drafts from the door are unbearable, it's time to warm it with your own hands!
    18.08.2014 2209 0
  • Doors
    Glass doors, as a rule, are interior doors. By virtue of different circumstances, it is not always possible to hire a professional, but the installation of doors does not require a lot of strength.
    16.08.2014 1247 0
  • Doors
    To date, wooden entrance doors begin to be gradually replaced by more reliable - iron.
    15.08.2014 1110 0
  • Doors
    The larva is part of the cylinder lock mechanism in which the key is inserted when the door is spinning. When breaking the castle, buy a whole new mechanism is not necessary.
    13.08.2014 3730 0
  • Doors
    The door of the room will provide you with personal space, privacy, safety from theft and just protects from uninvited guests if you set the lock on it.
    12.08.2014 2057 1
  • Doors
    In order for the input metal door of your home served as a reliable protection against unborn guests, it requires periodic adjustment.
    05.08.2014 5342 0
  • Doors
    In the market of modern doors, an incredible number of diverse models is presented, at the form of which eyes are scattered.
    03.08.2014 3706 0
  • Doors
    After replacing the entrance door, the question arises - how to make a slope. The slopes of the input door should be easily soaked, have high resistance to mechanical damage and have thermal insulation properties.
    30.07.2014 3489 0
  • Doors
    The coupe doors have many features that are not available from their swing "fellow". Sliding designs open or close freely, it is even a small child.
    26.07.2014 1884 0
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