How to reduce the door

How to reduce the door

Repairs, moving or just a change in the situation - a frequent phenomenon for many "mobile families". However, sometimes we want everything immediately: for example, leave the old door with accounting what is the discovery for hERE Not at all suitable. But as practice shows, this is a small problem. If you have a huge desire - always the door can be reduced ...

As a rule, one of the most common problems is the discrepancy between the height of the door and opera. With the proper installation of the door and its correct sizes there should be no cracks. According to standards, the gap in the lower and top of the door canvase should be about 1 cm. Often there are factory marriages, when after installation there is too dense adjacent, as a result of which the floor is scratched. To do everything right, you need to resort to the advice of a specialist or explore the literature. When performing work, you can not do without:

  • Wedge;
  • Conventional hammer;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Standard cutter;
  • Metal construction line;
  • Screw clips;
  • Tree gaskets;
  • Saws on wood;
  • Kozlov.;
  • Sponges;
  • Special glue.

So, first, you must make a procedure for removing the door with loops. You need to gently insert a wedge under bottom loops and pick up her screwdriver. Now you can remove the door. If you have difficulties, or something went wrong, while pressing the loops slightly. You can also use a hammer to knock the axis of the loop itself.

After you removed the door, her need to put on hard base (for example, table or goats). Decide operaTo understand how much to reduce the door. Do not forget to mark with the right edges. For convenience, forth the line on which you will do an incision.

We approach the process cutting the door. To do this, you will need: metal ruler, cutter and disk saw. Be careful, no one has canceled your safety technique. Work does not rush, keep your hand under the tilt. Cut part of the door strictly along the measured line, but not to the very end, since cuts may occur at the base. Attach the construction line to the edge and complete the door cannol carefully.

If you deal with hollow Door, here there are some features. First, make all actions as when circumcised the standard door. Then save the sliced \u200b\u200bpart and process tool. At the same time, everything is superfluous, leaving only a thin smooth plate. In size, it must be perfect to approach the place you cut. It is necessary to glue a piece of the board there and give it to dry completely. The crossbar can be safely fixed with the clips using the wooden gaskets. So Facing the door will not be damaged and retain the previous look.

There are cases when you should work with the door overlook: for example, you purchased a new door, but she Size more than it. To this end, after the removal procedure, it is necessary to clean the wall from plaster to brickwork or drywall (depending on the type of your home). Then carefully measure the desired distance and indicate the lines. Do not forget about the gap of 0.5 cm for convenience. The wall should be protrunkovana. Follow Markups, begin to glue drywall using construction glue. Secure the carrier profiles to the new wall by the bars. To the dust of the door opera Screw the plasterboard, do not forget to eliminate all the slots in jigs. Now your wall is ready for the next layer of plaster and installing the door.

In order to reduce your door, it is not necessary to have "golden hands" from nature. Even newcomer can easily cope with this work, while studying the described instructions and useful tips.

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