How to put the door to the bathroom

How to put the door to the bathroom

The procedure for mounting the door in the bathroom is similar to the construction of construction in other rooms. However, it should be borne in mind that the room is characterized by increased dampness. In this article, consider the technology of fitting the door in the bathroom and the features of the procedure.

Preparation of the opening

At the first stage, we will prepare the opening:

  • The opening is formed in the process of repair work, outlined on one side of the finish, and with the second - interior partition.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the waterproofing process of the opening to prevent the harmful effect of moisture on the material.
  • As a rule, to protect wood, choose a diffusion tape with self-adhesive base. It is glued around the perimeter of the doorway. Also need to be saved and the box itself.
  • Do not forget to carefully clean the base from dust carefully, as well as coat the surface of the primer.

Build door box

After preparing the opening, go to the build of the box, carefully following the instructions:

  1. First you need to trim the lutki racks, withstanding the size of 2005 mm. 2000 mm is the height that the standard door has. 5 mm falls on 2 gaps formed between the door of the door and the box itself on top and bottom - 2.5 mm.
  2. The upper and lower part also need to trim. At the same time, the size will be: 600 mm (the width that has a standard door) + the thickness of the box multiplied by 2, + 2 clearance of 2.5 mm.
  3. Doors can have another width, for example, 700 mm or even 1000 mm, then you need to substitute when calculating it is this value.
  4. Since the bottom of the profile is the bottom of the box at the bottom and on top of the box, it is necessary to remove it, peeling the jigsaw and chisels with the help of the chisels.
  5. Next, we are engaged in the cutting of canopies, depending on how the door will open. Sports are located on top and bottom, retreating from the edge of 200-250 millimeters, make marks using a pencil. The groove for canopy is selected by a special tool - milling machine.
  6. If you are afraid to spoil everything, you can buy a loop that have a special design, thanks to which it is not required to embed.
  7. To assemble the box, connect each of the design elements such as a long rack and short jumper. The side of the rack is drilled by holes in which the screws are screwed to connect two parts of the box. Further, act like three angles, which remained.
  8. After making the Lutchka, do not forget about the lower threshold, which facilitates the installation of the door itself.

Preparation of door leaf

Now prepare the door cloth to the installation:

  • The loops are installed in the same way as when installed on the Lutch, therefore this process will not describe in detail.
  • Next, secure the latch, for which you need to drill a hole in the center of the door of the door, the diameter of which is 25 mm. It should be located at an altitude of 85-90 cm from Niza. The depth of the opening is the length that the latch has.
  • Now the holes needed to fix the handle, using the drill, the diameter of which is 20 mm. It is placed opposite the end hole, the cloth dries through. Drill better in turn on both sides. Once when drilling on the reverse side, you will see the pen tip, start drilling from the second.
  • Select the groove in which the decorative lining is installed. To determine its size, you need to put the latch into the hole formed to pre-and circle a bar using a pencil. For mounting the latch from the end of the door, 2 self-tapping screws are used, which are twisted with a screwdriver.
  • When installing the handles, the sticking square is put on them. A small screw is applied to fix it. Next, the square is fought in the hole of the latch. Then attach two handles.

Installing the door in the bathroom

At this stage, fasten the door frame. To begin with, type the rack on the side facing in the bathroom so that it goes beyond the letters of centimeters by 10-15. When fastening the plank, clog the carnations so that they are then closed by platbands. Place the box in the doorway, aligning it along the horizon. After installation, it is necessary to bleak the slot formed between the box and the opening, the mounting foam. Since the foam can put pressure on the box, the struts should be provided in advance. We use at least 3 pieces. One should be located opposite the latch, others - in flights that remained evenly. They must have a size equal to the width, which has a canvas, and 5 mm. After the box has shought, wait the day to pass the polymerization of foam. Waving this time, you can put the door to the bathroom - to do this, connect with the box using canopies.

Thus, to install the door to the bathroom it is not necessary to invite specialists. All works are quite fulfilled independently, if you carefully follow the technology.

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