How to open the door without a key

How to open the door without a key

There are situations where a person cannot open the front door or the car door. Causes can be completely different. The key can suddenly break, it can be lost or forget. At such moments, people wonder how to open the door without a key? How to get into the car? After all, it is quite difficult to call special services. There are several ways to open the door without a key and if you follow the instructions, everything will turn out easily and simply.

What tools are needed to open the castle

There are several tools that will help you to open almost any castle without any problems:

  • pliers;
  • screwdriwer set;
  • standard key for intercom;
  • scrap;
  • saw on metal;
  • set of door keys.

Each of their listed tools can make an invaluable contribution to an independent opening of the castle. But it is worth understanding that after you take an autopsy, the castle will have to immediately replace.

How to open the door without a key

Door locks are 4 species. If you decide to unlock the door yourself, find out what kind of your castle.

How to open the door with a hinged lock without key

This type of lock is usually used for garage and utility rooms, sheds and cellars. The locking castle is much easier to break than to open. You can break it with almost any girlfriend tool. To open the mounted lock, scrap either another similar tool must be sent to the place where the leg is located, press the body and press abruptly.

if the lock could not be broken, you can turn to the metal saw. At the entire process of opening the castle will take no more than 15 minutes.


How to open a door with a french lock

The French castle is considered the hardest for opening. As a rule, open the French castle will be able exclusively a professional, although you can try. Insert the flat side of the scrap into the hole near the castle itself. With force, press scrap until clicking. It is worth noting that the opening of the French castle can lead to a replacement not only the castle, but also the doors in general. For this type of castle, it will be much easier and cheaper to call specialists than to act independently.


How to open a door with a cross-tree lock

For this type of lock, you will need a set of screwdrivers. You carefully select the appropriate tool in size. Gently insert the tool into the locking well, after which it turn the screwdriver clockwise with a strong press. As a rule, after the described actions, the lock opens instantly.


How to open a door with a cylinder lock

Open the cylinder lock will be much easier if he has served for many years, for this you need any other key. If you do not open a similar key lock, you can help pliers and a screwdriver set.

  • Using a screwdriver set, remove the decorative insert on the lock.
  • Picker the pliers a comfortable side of the cylinder in the castle and slowly start to rock, soon it should fall out.
  • If it is not possible to get the cylinder completely, armed with a screwdriver. Insert it into the lock hole and turn to the other side to which the lock opens.
  • If it is impossible to shove the screwdriver into the hole, then the pliers will help you. With their help, you can drive a screwdriver into the hole without much effort.

In the event that the door did not work out and did not work, you still have 2 options - to break or call the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


How to open a car door if forgot the key

If you do not have both keys set, and you need to get to the car urgently, you will save you a manicure nail file or the smallest screwdriver.

  • Make a hook tool tip, then gently try to pull out the seal.
  • Next, enter the hook between the castle and the glass inset of the mechanism for opening the lock.
  • Click on the lock, make a move first left hook, then a sharp right movement.
  • Feel the hook opening mechanism and pull for him, and then the lock will open.

For those who are the first way to find difficult, there is another. It is suitable only for cars 90s and domestic cars.

Gently get the window seal, and you can open the door without too much. Next, insert the window back and contact the Automotive Center for help.


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