How to make slopes input door

How to make slopes input door

After replacing the input door, the question arises - how to make a slope. The slopes of the input door should be easy to wash, have high resistance to mechanical damage and have thermal insulation properties.

Options for decoration of slopes are several. You can immediately order installation of plastic slopes at door installers. But, as a rule, in this case, the work is performed poorly. Sucks are mounted using a mounting foam, airspace remains between the destroyed opening and the plastic panel. When you hit the acute subject, which is very likely on such a passable place, the plastic panel may be damaged. In addition, it is not necessary to talk about thermal insulation in such a way of installing slopes.

Having a necessary tool supply at hand, it is easy to make the slopes of the input door with your own hands. Work is performed in two stages:

  • The rough finish is the plaster of slopes with cement or gypsum solution or installation of the frame and the installation of the insulation and drywall.
  • Finish finish. For finishing, MDF panels, plastic panels, wood, decorative stone, laminate are used. Putty and further coloring or pasting with wallpaper are undesirable - such coatings will not serve you for a long time due to instability to mechanical damage and inclination to pollution.

Before losing the slope with a plastering mixture, the surface should be cleaned of dust and process to. Under the cement solution, the surface is not ground, it is sufficient to moisten it with water. It is better to use gypsum mixes for operation. With cement mortar, it is more difficult to work and require a long time for drying.

Plaster slopes

The frame for facing the slopes is made of wooden bars or metal profiles. After mounting the frame, the insulation is laid. It is more convenient for these purposes to use mineral wool - it's easier to fill all the recesses. Panels, laminate or drywall are attached to the frame. Plasterboard requires further finishing. When carrying out draft work, do not forget that the angle of dawn should be the same on both sides.

After performing draft or preparatory work and completely drying the plaster, you can start decorative finish. Collect and boot the plaster. To prepare the surface to color or pasting, wallpaper will require a putty. Laminate, plastic, MDF panels are glued with liquid nails on back surfaces or secured on the frame of the dowels. When cladding the slopes with decorative or natural stone, tile glue uses.


After performing decorative finishes around the perimeter of the door opening, platbands are nailed or corners are glued.

The correct choice of material will help make the sloping of the entrance door with beautiful and durable.

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