How to plaster slope on windows

How to plaster slope on windows

After installing plastic windows, the need to finish the slopes, as chips and cracks appear in the openings. The popular material for finishing works is the plaster, because several tasks are solved at the same time: compensates for the difference between the width of the wall and the opening, improves the heat insulation of the structure, shifting the "dew point" outside the housing, masks the mounting elements of the window profile, gives the window to the finished view. Consider a Read more Procedure for plastering window slopes.

Before proceeding with the window opening finish, it is necessary to correctly choose the material for work, given the location of the slope - outside or inside the house. For facade and use in rooms, where high humidity is observed, a solution is intended, which contains cement, or ready-made facade plaster. For internal work, such types of solutions as lime-gypsum, gypsum or cement are suitable.

For plastering of window slopes, you will need such tools, fixtures and materials: construction level, roulette, trunk, spatula, pencil, male, knife, water tanks and making solution, hammer-korchable, sealant, mounting foam, half-sash and grater. Be sure to prepare work clothes, shoes and gloves to protect yourself from packing while working.

At the next stage, we proceed to the preparation of the surface of the window opening to decorate the plaster:

  1. In order for the slopes to be smooth and one width, the window should be located strictly in the center of the opening.
  2. Shipping all the slots formed between the window opening and the frame, the mounting foam, remove its remnants.
  3. In addition, before applying plastering on the surface, it is advisable to put the window sill so that it subsequently did not have the need to seal the seams between it and slopes.
  4. Protect the windowsill from damage and pollution with a paper or plasterboard sheets. Wrap papers of window accessories and radiators.
  5. It is necessary to remove the old plaster, paint and dust from the surface.
  6. To improve adhesion, leakage the slopes of ground penetration. When choosing a soil, consider the building material of the window opening - plasterboard sheets, concrete, brickwork.

Further, the projected opening is placed a layer of vapor insulation using a vapor barrier film. Without vaporizolation from the inside, the foam will soon lose its thermal insulation properties, as it will wet from the drop-down condensate. In addition, a special sealant with frost-resistant properties can be applied to the surface. When applied sealant, make sure that the surface is dry, otherwise it will not stick.

Now we will make the manufacture of a template for applying plaster, which is called Malka. To do this, it is customary to use Phaneur. The length of the product is selected larger than Santimeters by 5-20, the width should be 15 centimeters. On one of the sides of the Malka should be present. Make one more depression for window loops. Or purchase an aluminum tool.

After cook the angular profiles made from galvanized metal. They must be installed on a gypsum solution to protect corners from different kinds of damage. In this case, use the level to ensure their alignment in two planes immediately. Stick to the frame of the coil bar. It has 2 shelves. That, which is closer to the slope, is responsible for keeping the plank inside the window slop. The second performs the functions of the guide when the surface is plastered. Close the window block film and painting tape to protect it from splashing, and you can start plastering.

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And now we have come to the main issue, as shuttering of window slopes is placed:

  • Works start with applying a solution to slough, while the spatula is used. Press the pattern to the angular profile and the coil strip to remove the overvoltage of the solution. If some plasters need to be applied to some places, add it and reset the surface using the template.
  • All the rules of plastering of walls are applicable to plaster, except for dawn window, which is done in Malka. Determine the location of the angle of Sunnas and set the rule on it with the level. Make a mark on the wall with a pencil. Then Malka is pressed against the window sash, and the solution smoothes from the slope. As a result, a smooth surface should be obtained. Then slide the rule along the angle to the side to remove it.
  • To fix small irregularities formed when plastering, the slopes are first swollen with a sponge, and then rubbed the grater. Slip surface, making circular movements and applying a small force. After some time, the slopes are loaded with a wide spatula. But if you plan to use tiles as an finishing finish, small defects can not be corrected.
  • At the final stage, after the surface is finally dry, it is necessary to break the end with a coil plate, which sticks out by flexion, and also remove the protective film located on the window.

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General recommendations that should be adhere to when conducting shuttering of window slopes:

  1. Works can be performed at such a temperature: no less than +5 degrees if you use a cement solution, not lower than +10 degrees when using Rotband.
  2. It is better to abandon the solution, the shelf life of which came to an end. It is for this reason that it is recommended to prepare a substance in small batches.

Thus, for such a qualified work, as plastering of window slopes, should be taken only after a detailed study of all nuances and the subtleties of the procedure. Only high-quality surface plaster will emphasize the beauty of the new window and increase the thermal insulation of the entire window structure.

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