How to make windows

How to make windows

The removal of the size of the future window is performed taking into account the features of its opening. Compliance with a number of rules ensures reliable dimensions that exclude irreparable errors.

To work, you will need:

  • Roulette;
  • Level or plumb;
  • Screwdriver (timed);
  • Pencil;
  • Paper.

The parameters are always removed from the window opening, and not with the old frame and box. Values \u200b\u200bare measured and transferred to the drawing in millimeters.

At first, when the window is closed, the "challenge" is checked - the possible deviation of the slopes of the opening from the vertical. On top of the opening to the windowsill, a plumb is dry in the right and left corners of the window. If there is a significant break (more than 10 mm), the "useful" width is calculated - the distance between the vertical projections of the upper points of the rectangular box on the windowsill. From the resulting number, 50 mm is taken - multiplied by two average thickness of the mounting gap. The result found will be an estimated windows width, and the final value is determined after the outdoor dimmer.

The window opens, the width of the lumen is measured - the distance between the quarters. Using a screwdriver or awl, determine the depth of the side protrusions. Comparing the pre-width of the window and the size of the quarters, adjust the desired value of the width of the window block into a smaller side. In this case, the frame profile should be closed by protrusions by 35-40 mm. In the case of different thickness of quarters, it is necessary to achieve the symmetry of the window from the outside by sacrificing the internal location, which is subsequently allowed to correct sunsaw.

To determine the height of the window block from the street, the distance from the low tide to the upper boundary of the opening is measured. The value is checked:

  • Silom "scans" the depth of the upper quarter in 2-3 points - 40 mm is sufficient for the mounting seam and the frame of the frame by 1.5-2 cm. The smaller size of the protrusion will require a decrease in the height of the window.
  • The lower quarter is checked - well, if it is equal to 25 mm. At low depth, the height of the window decreases. For example, instead of 25 mm is 10 mm, then 15 mm is taken away.

Next, the distance from the upper border of the opening to the window sill and is compared with the alleged height. There should be a difference in 40-60 mm, which will provide the desired clearance for foam at the top of about 20 mm and the location of the lower edge of the new window is 10-20 mm above the old window sill. The final result is recorded after a study of two more nuances:

  1. Horizontal control of the opening through the level and accounting of "drank", if necessary.
  2. Examination of the Niza of the Old Window - the dyed window sill takes 30-40 mm from the required window height.

When measuring the opening of a quarter, the distance between the side walls corresponds to the width of the new window minus 40-60 mm for mounting clearances. The height is calculated, taking away from the measured distance between the upper and lower walls: 20-30 mm on the seam and 40 mm per window sill. The length of the waterproof corresponds to the size of the opening plus the battery of 60-80 mm per bend, its width is equal to the depth of the wall plus 50-70 mm. The dimensions of the windowsill are calculated as follows:

  • Length - 80-100 mm from two sides are added to the measured width of the opening.
  • The width is the thickness of the inside of the wall plus the departure of the window sill, plus 20 mm (approach under the frame).

When measuring the windowsill and waterproof, it is taken into account that the thickness plastic window It will already be than the old wooden design.

Performing window measurements - a rather difficult operation that requires a well-thought out approach and accurate execution.

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