How to choose fog lights

How to choose fog lights

Good fog lights on your car is a pledge of excellent "vision" in conditions of poor visibility on the road, and therefore the guarantee of your safety and security of your passengers. Therefore, to the choice of these accessories you need to approach weighted, considering all the nuances.

Case - here in priority there will be strength, heat resistance and aerodynamic form. The first indicator is necessary because due to the low location of the "foglight" is often at risk of damage. The second is to withstand "Natisk" and minus, and positive temperatures. And the streamlined form will not create unnecessary noise effects if you decide to ride with the breeze. And one more practical moment - the collapsible lamp with interchangeable glass will allow you to avoid extra costs, because in this case the distorted light bulb or broken glass can be simply replaced. In an indispensable version, because of this, you will have to buy a new "fog".

Color - Best of all "breaks out" weatherproof (fog, rain, snow) yellow and dairy-white "foglights". At the same time, the bulbs in them choose another color: in the dairy headlights - yellow and vice versa.

Reflector - it should herdictly connect with the diffuser (in high-quality headlights, where it is a separate part) or body (in cheaper models, where the reflector serves the fog casing itself with a special reflective coating on it). The last option is more dangerous, since this coating during operation can be quite hot.

Power - Note that the fog lights you are installed will "eat" from the generator, that is, the load on the electrical system of the car will increase. Therefore, it is better to choose a lamp with a capacity of no more than 55 W.

Fastenings - it is desirable that in addition to reliability they were and adjustable (and horizontally, and vertically). This will greatly facilitate their installation-disassembly.

Marking - the letter "E" on the glass or the fog cabinet means that it meets all the requirements and standards, the letter "B" - that it is really a fog light.

And finally, the price is not seduced by the "appearance" of inexpensive headlights, which is usually covered with poor quality. Remember the old sayings about cheap fish and a storm, which pays twice - in relation to the fog headlights they work!

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