How to choose disc drives

How to choose disc drives

Car discs are needed not only for beauty, but also to ensure safety when driving. When choosing disks, it is recommended to navigate on the quality, the requirements of the instruction for the machine, and then on the appearance. The auto shops offer the widest range of original disks - stamped, cast, forged, each of which has a number of shortcomings and advantages. Choosing a car, pay attention to its functional features, car parameters, price and quality.

Branded discs have an exclusive design, and the manufacturer's plant for their manufacture uses the best material. Therefore, the price of such discs is higher than the cost of other species. They are resistant to scratches, mechanical damage and look very original.

Cheap and quite quality alloy wheels produced by China, Russia will serve not one season with careful use. They are analogs of branded discs and made of aluminum. More suitable for spring-summer period.

Forged discs of high strength discs are resistant to mechanical effects. They are more durable and easier than alloy wheels, but much more expensive. The assortment of them is not very wide and they look easier. When you hit, wrought disks are not cracking, but bent, so they can be restored.

Due to its low cost, stamped discs are very popular. They have exceptional strength and are easily repaired during damage. The design of them is not particularly originality, ease, but is compensated by a low price.

Chrome-plated discs are not designed for the winter season, because they are darked in cold air. They are heavier, less durable, with mechanical effects, the coating rolls. Have a very beautiful appearance, shine.

After selecting the view of the disks, specify the size of the wheels, which are indicated by the car manufacturer. Suitable strictly by the parameters of the disk will improve the smoothness, handling and dynamics. The main value for choice is the rim width that should be less than the width of the tire profile by 20-30%. You can not use not suitable discs, as this can lead to a violation of the project profile.

The diameter of the disk, the diameter of the center hole, the wheel departure and the mounting hole diameter must match the vehicle installed for your car. But sometimes you use discs with a large mounting diameter to improve riding qualities. You can not install discs with less abnormal departure, so it can lead to overload of suspension bearings.

Choosing discs, consider their technological features, the conditions of your ride and focus on your financial opportunities.


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