How to choose car mats

How to choose car mats

Much depends on the car rug. It provides cleanliness and convenience in the cabin, and also perfectly complements the common style. In addition, the rug protects the flooring from moisture, snow and dirt.

Car mats for sale by one big set. They should cover the entire floor in the cabin - under the feet of the driver, as well as the front and rear passengers. Buy a rug not only for the cabin, but also for the trunk. Thus, you will ensure efficient protection against dust and dirt and you do not have to wash the car's interior - it is enough to pull out and wash the mats. There are universal and special options. The latter are designed for a specific car brand.

Universal rug you can purchase in any supermarket. They are inexpensive, but quickly wear out. You will have to change them often, besides, they will not go to the floor covering perfectly. For greater convenience on rubber mats, lines for cutting, so that the owner can fit the rug under the model of his salon. But if you want a better option, you will have to spend your time on his search. In return, he will create good comfort and serves a very long time.

If you decide to buy a rug designed for the brand of your car, pay attention to the material. The first place in practicality takes up rubber. Models from rubber reliably protect the bottom of the salon from the penetration of moisture. Thus, they do not allow damage to the noise insulating layer and rust metal. But rubber rugs have a number of significant drawbacks - we will weigh a lot, it is bad and broken from freezing.

Polyurethane mats are easy to fall on the bottom of the cabin and repeat its configuration. They are endowed with high sideboards, weigh little and do not harden in the cold. Models from this material are somewhat more expensive than others, but do not dry under the influence of high temperatures and are not worn for a long time. During their manufacture, an environmentally friendly polymer material is used, which is endowed with plastic properties of the present rubber.

There are tissue mats that are highlighted by a wide palette of colors and the presence of a pattern. But such models serve more for aesthetics than to protect the cabin. An essential disadvantage of the mesh rug is absorbing moisture. Over time, it will begin to highlight the water on the floor of the cabin, which is fraught with the formation of rust and the development of pathogenic bacteria. If you still decide to stop on the cloth rug, purchase a model with a rubber lining down. You provide aesthetics, but with cleaning such a rug will have to tinker.

The rug for the trunk must perform only one function - protect the luggage compartment from moisture and dirt. The appearance is not important here, the main functionality. Ideally suitable option from rubber or polyurethane.

When buying a rug, pay attention to its functions. Some models are equipped with special mechanisms that will not allow them to move around the cabin. These are various hooks, velcro and other devices that are securely attached to the rigid base of the rug. If there are no such fasteners on it, the spikes must be present. Otherwise, the rug will ride under the legs and can even get under the pedals.

Try to change car mats at least twice a year, subject to the purchase of a special option. In winter, it is preferable to choose a model of rubber or polyurethane. In summer, it is advisable to use mats from a pile and other tissues.

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