How to stop the crack on the glass

How to stop the crack on the glass

If you had to face such a nuisance like a crack in the windshield, do not leave it without attention, even if its sizes are not great, and at first glance it does not prevent a review. When vibration, the crack will begin to increase until the edge of the glass reaches, and in this case all the windshield will have to be changed.

For those who have gathered to undergo car inspection in the presence of cracks on the windshield, it is important to know that according to the main document GOST 51709-2001 in the list of defects requiring immediate elimination, and the presence of cracks on the windshield in the field of glass cleaning is located in front of the driver. But if this is not the most significant argument in order to eliminate the defect, think about your own security, the crack will divert attention, forget dust, which will also be abrasive, and the longer you will ignore it, the bigger troubles are fraught.


Rate the size and nature of the crack. Determine its depth: what layers of glass are damaged. Glass for the car consists of three layers:

  1. external glass;
  2. composite polymers;
  3. inner glass.


To understand, through a crack or not, spend on the back of the glass by the edge of the thin needle, neatly, without pressure. If the needle passes unhindered, the bottom layer did not touch the lower layer, if you felt an obstacle on her ways, alas, a cross-cutting defect, work in this case will be a little more.


Determine where the apparent end of the crack. When taking into account that it is invisibly continuing at the level of the crystal lattice, it is necessary to retreat from the edge of the defect 5 mm. The repair of glass makes sense only if the crack does not reach the edge of the glass at least 5 cm, then the outcome of all this activity is guaranteed successful, otherwise it is recommended to change the windshield.


Next, you will need to drill glass on small revolutions using a coolant in the drilling zone, for example, kerosene, oil or soap solution. In the process, sharp jums in the direction and blows are not allowed, it can trigger crack lengthening. Conventional metal drills are not suitable here, use drills with diamond spraying on the cutting edge or a special crown with spraying. As a rule, they are in a set for repairing windshield.


If the crack is not through, you need to drill to a depth corresponding to the width of the damaged layer, for this, use the rubber limiter. Otherwise, the hole is done through. If the crack has several rays, drill the hole at the end of each of them.


Fill into the opening optical polymer - special glue (you can buy in auto shops). Professionals use a special plunger that creates overpressure to create the effect of the pump to fill in glue of the whole crack. If you do not have this fixture, do not despair, you stop the crack and so stop. Polymeric glue will freeze in a few hours, but the process can be accelerated using infrared exposure to a special lamp.

Collect and polish the processed areas using special polishing circles and pastes to get rid of the bulges as much as possible. Ideally, no trace should remain from the holes.


The process of stopping cracks on glass time-consuming and painstaking, but the result is worth it. After all, the repair in the workshop makes sense if the length of the crack is up to 20 cm, otherwise the cost of repair and the replacement of glass will be commensurate.

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