Pets - it's not just animals, and part of your family. They also need your care, concern and love, and with them, as with all the other members of the family, get into trouble.
Hamsters - this is the most harmless and unproblematic animals. What do you need a hamster - that the cage was removed to eat and poured drinker to be complete, and, of course, wheel him submit.
For all dog bites are taken seriously, if there was such an incident, we immediately are usually sent to the emergency room to lock bites and get their portion of injections against rabies.
Usually in the spring and summer you can see a lot of chicks, sitting, or hopping on the ground. You might think that these are absolutely helpless crumbs fallen from the nest and fell, making his first flight, and adult birds were forgotten.
Growing a house chickens is an activity that requires great care and attention. Newborn chickens are very fragile, but proper care and food can help them be healthy and strong until they reach maturity.
Chickens are agricultural animals that benefit in summer and winter. But due to errors in the conditions of their content in the winter period, there is a decrease in productivity indicators.
Today we will talk about animal care. For many, this is not just pets, but the real family members, which means they require caress, care and care, like any person.
The hedgehogs are active, most of the time spent in search of food. They are curious night animals that spend a lot of time exploring the surrounding area.
Birds that live in cities and in villages are very useful for natural equilibrium. Pernaya destroy small flying insects that are harmful to a completely all plant.
You are a novice breeder of aquarium fish and you have to bring first offspring? Then you will be interested to know how to introduce food in the diet of small fish.
When we take a four-legged pet in our family, we take full responsibility for his life. Unfortunately, the life expectancy of dogs is much shorter than human, so sooner or later have to say goodbye to the favorite.