How to teach the dog's dog to

How to teach the dog's dog to "lie"

For those who have a dog, probably repeatedly appeared a desire to teach it to fulfill certain teams. It is clear that, as in every person, the pets also need to find an approach, but also there are general recommendations of the correct animal training. Let's find out today how to proceed the dog correctly to execute the "Lie" command.

The need for pet training

In fact, it is very helpful to teach the dog to various teams. It should be understood that this is a kind of child who needs to raise in order to make a clear part of it. The dog should obey his master, because otherwise, she will simply become unmanaged. For instance:

  • you are traveling in the train - said the dog "lie" and she fell next to you and does not interfere with anyone
  • come to the store, leave the dog near him and order "lying" and the dog comes to wait for you
  • go out for a walk, and you need to stop and talk with someone, order a dog "lie" and she does not respond to what is happening around her, but simply waiting for you to continue with her your walk

There are many such situations where this team will be useful to you, but this list is enough to understand that knowledge of such teams is extremely useful.

Dog training rules

When you were convinced that you want to teach your dog in question in question, it is necessary to master some knowledge about this and know all the nuances of the Pet training process, namely:

  • In the event that you took a puppy and want to teach it to teams, to start training this kind will need not earlier than it will be three months old.
  • Among other things, you must understand that in order to train a pet for various teams, you need to use the "whip and gingerbread" method, that is, you must and force a dog and encourage it in case of a positive result. Only in this way, you can achieve the desired result.
  • In this case, coercion can be pressing a pet for the witz, and the promotion will look like a treat with some delicacy or verbal praise.
  • You can train your pet anywhere, although in the fresh air, at least in any room. Here it is important to choose such a place where no one will prevent you and will not distract your attention (other unnecessary factors also exclude).
  • Among other things, the owner must take into account that the room or the playground on the street should be clean so that the pet felt comfortable, and he did not have to smooth out, lick in dirt and trash.

Learn PSA to fulfill the order "Lying"

You can carry out several methods and now we will look at each of them. The first version of the training looks like this:

  • First you say the pet "Sitting", while your hand should be on her neck
  • Then say the dog "lie" and at the same time, the second hand indicate the pet to the delicacy that you must keep over the earth itself.
  • Do not forget that the yummy will need to keep in your hand, but not too low, so that the dog is to get to her, put some effort.
  • With all this, you have to push the dog to the withers in such a way that it does not get up, but lay down to the delicacy to reach.
  • After all, the dog did when the dog ate the delicacy, you should let go of the withers, praise the pet and tell him "Gulyi."

The following method of training looks like this:

  • First, as in the first training method, you must put one hand on the neck of your favorite pet.
  • You will need to start the second hand for the paws of the dog (front). It turns out that hands should be under them.
  • Now you are talking to the dog in question and at the same time as one hand pressed on the withers, and the other hand promotes her front paws ahead so that she understands that she needs to lie on the surface in front of her.
  • After the proceeded, you can treat the dog with delicacy and send to walk.

Among other things, you can also force the dog at your request to go on some surface if you put one hand to the withers, and the other hand is a slight movement of the hand to pull the leash towards the ground or another surface on which training passes - it's like you It will be convenient.

During the training, you must ensure that when the dog lay down, it looked beautifully - the front paws were lying together and forth stretched, and the rear carefully chose. No duties on the side or on the back should not be simply.

If you started to train a puppy from three months, then enough will be just a few workouts so that your dog understands that you need to execute the team lie "and how it is done correctly.

In this process, it is very important to have patience as with a child, so keep in mind that your psychos and breakdowns will only spoil training, and will not help the dog to understand what you want from it.

Over time, you have to increase the temporary distance between the execution of the team to lie down during training.

If the puppy is completely small, then temporary exposure in this case will be at all anything.

When the puppy will perfectly execute the "Lie" command, you can add a special gesture to this team - raise your hand horizontally in front of yourself and then immediately omit her palm down to one of your hips, saying the "lying" command.

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