How to make an intramuscle dog

How to make an intramuscle dog

Pets are not just animals, but some of your family. They also need your care, care and love, and with them, as with all other family members, people occur. If your pet is sick, then you must take it to the veterinarian, which will prescribe treatment. Most often these are injections, so each owner should know how to make injections to her beloved pet. Today we will consider in more detail how to make injections of dogs intramuscularly and what you need to know about this process.

Treatment of dogs

Pets can also be sick, and, to great unfortunately, than the animal's pioneer, the weaker the immunity, so if you have acquired a purebred dog, get ready for regular travel to the vet. It should be noted that when the animal gets sick, it is immediately necessary to lead to a doctor, and not engage in self-treatment, because such an incorrect step can lead to deplorable consequences, and you simply can lose your pet. The first rule, when Dose got sick - Call your doctor or carry the animal to the veterinarian.

When the dog prescribe injections, if the doctor himself does not say, the owner of the animal must ask how many times a day to make such injections and at what time of day (there may also be time limits, for example, after eating or before it). It is also very important to remember well to introduce this or that medicine.

There is a lot of nuances, which the pet owner should know:

  • During the introduction of the drug intramuscularly, the dog must be calm enough, because during the anxiety of the needle simply stuck in the body of the dog, and it is hardly to pull it on their own, and it hurts a lot.
  • It is best to carry out the injection of the drug Dog intramuscularly in four hands, so if there is an assistant's assistant nearby, it will be great, and for you, and for your pet.

Procedures to injection

Before pricking a dog:

  • Wash your hands with a disinfecting means, in this case sterility plays very important.
  • Remove the syringe and open an ampoule with the medicine (if you need to mix several, find out the correct mixing sequence).
  • Update the ampoule in such a way that the shards from the neck do not fall on the skin of the animal and your hands. Wipe the ampoule with alcohol. After that, a special sharp blade is cut off the top of the ampoule and the syringe, tilting the opaque ampoule, dial the drug from it.
  • After the drug was completely in the syringe, in the obligatory spin, it is necessary to remove the air from the syringe (this is not recommended, and there is a strict rule of any injection, and not only an animal, but also a person). It is necessary to blow the air in order until several drops of the medicinal preparation are shown down the needle.

You should not also forget that no drug is never entered cold, remember it. Before you begin to carry out the injection process, it is mandatory to heat the medicine to room temperature. You can already do this by typing the drug in the syringe. Just hold it a few minutes in warm hands, and only then proceed to check your dog.

Underground injection dog

If your dog was prescribed antibiotics, then, most likely, you will need to introduce such drugs intramuscularly. Prick these drugs are better than a dog's shoulder area or hips (the most disapplied places for an animal).

When you do a dog injection intramuscularly, you must comply with the following rules and know that:

  • The muscle in which you will make an injection must be completely soft, that is, relaxed. In order for it to be such a need to calm the animal as soon as possible - I am smooth, talk to a soft voice with him, etc. Gently bend it to the foot so that it was more convenient to prick so that the injection process is less painful and exciting.
  • No need to miss the place of the future injection with alcohol, because the dog wool will not give you, as it should be, to disinfect the skin of the animal.
  • A needle on the syringe in no way can be touched by hands or other parts of the body or some objects. In this case, infection infection is large enough, so keep it in mind.
  • The drug that you enter the animal should be necessarily room temperature.
  • The needle must be introduced into the body of the dog at an angle of 90 degrees. The length of the needle, which should go under the skin, is a large part of it.
  • It is also necessary to understand that in principle, the process of administration of the drug will depend on what kind of animal size. If the dog is very small and weigh no more than 9 kg, then the needle is better to take thin and introduce no more than 1.5 cm deep. In the event that the dog weighs more than 12 kg, then the needle may be thicker, and the depth of its introduction is 4 cm.
  • If you enter the needle and feel like you came across the hardening, then it's worth pulling back, along the way, you have introduced it too deeply.

  • If the blood went out of the place of puncture, then you accidentally hit the vessel and pierced it. If it happened, just pull a completely needle from the body, wipe the place with alcohol. Wipe blood and make an injection to another place.

In the event that you hit the dog in the nerve, after the injection, your dog will break a little and lick. But there is nothing terrible in this, so you can not worry about this.

Making a dog injection intramuscularly simple, if you know how to properly produce this process.

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